A Empty Heart

Throughout the second half of the night, the man kept asking for love. When it was almost dawn, he finally fell asleep beside her. Xue Yating was tired and sleepy, but she did not dare to sleep.

Why did it feel like his stomach wasn't acting up at all?

Why was he still as vicious and fierce as before?

But she did not dare to think too much. Now that the man had finally let her go, she had to escape while he was still unconscious.

Xue Yating ran away from Shui-mo Lan Ting Residence in a panic as if there was a man-eating monster behind her. After she ran back to the An family home, she took a shower and changed her clothes before getting rid of An Jichuan's smell.

The sky was still dark. Xue Yating lay on the bed to catch up on her sleep, but she could not fall asleep.

All she could think of was the ridiculous night she had with An Jichuan. She had only gone to deliver the medicine, but in the end, she had been used as an antidote.