So Soft

Rong Lihua was surprisingly magnanimous this time. "Sure, go ahead! They miss you very much at home. The child has to follow her parents."

"Thank you, Mom." Xue Yating hugged her mother-in-law. "Mom, whenever I have time in the future, I will definitely come back to see you often."

"Okay, come back often."

Rong Lihua wiped her tears away.

Just like that, the An family arranged for a driver to send her and the two children to board the plane.

Before they left, the two children were still asking, "Mommy, why didn't Daddy come to see us off?"

"Your daddy is busy. He'll come and pick you up when he's done."

"Don't come and pick us up! We don't want to be separated from Mommy."

The two little guys hugged Xue Yating, afraid that they would be separated from their mother again.