No Way Out

Xue Yating nodded. She was envious of Yun Fenglan and An Jichuan for being able to talk about love freely. She was jealous of Yun Fenglan for being able to get into An Jichuan's good books. She hated herself for being useless and weak. She did not dare to show her feelings so easily.

Now that things had come to this, she could only give her blessings generously.

Yun Fenglan had just announced that she was getting married. Elsewhere, Mu Chenguang and Wandou were also getting married.

Xue Yating attended their wedding. She looked at the two men and women in formal attire standing in front of the altar and making their vows. She recalled the time when she was married.

She did not know that the person who had married her was An Jichuan. She thought that it was An Xianming. They had vowed together in front of God that they would always trust each other, love each other, and never leave each other. Even until death, they would never separate.