
Xue Yating walked onto the stage with her violin.

When she arrived at the center of the stage, she first bowed to the audience and gave them a warm round of applause.

The first part of the interview was the Q & A session. The host gave a simple question and Xue Yating gave a response to the interview, introducing Xue Yating's past experiences.

"First of all, I would like to thank all the new and old friends who came to listen to my concert. Thank you for your support and encouragement. In the past few years, I did not go on stage to play the violin because I had returned to my family. Those who have seen the news might know the story between me and my husband, Mr. An Xianming.

"He passed away in a car accident a few years ago. From then on, we were separated by life and death. Today is the anniversary of our marriage. I chose to hold this concert today to express my longing for him!