The Best Result

This was probably the most appropriate process for her to get the best results.

After listening to Jing Xi's words, Li Ruochu fell into deep thought and was weighing the pros and cons.

Jing Xi struck while the iron was hot. "Sister Ruochu, I might not be able to stay in Estan for two days before returning to the Dragon Kingdom. I also want to help you before I leave. If you agree, I will go to my brother to discuss and fight for it."

Li Ruochu was silent for a moment. She seemed to have made up her mind and nodded. "Okay! Please, Jing Xi!"

In addition to convincing Li Ruochu, Jing Xi had another difficult task. She had to take the Little Thornhead out of the room.

Nuo Nuo was not used to his new home. He was always on guard and did not let anyone near.

Jing Xi had come to visit him once but was rejected. Now she came to the child's room again and knocked on the door.