Found Daddy

After that, Jing Xi took Nuo Nuo to the simulation laboratory in the planetarium and asked someone to put on a child's spacesuit for him.

Jing Xi also changed into a spacesuit. Then she said to Nuo Nuo, "Okay, now hand the tickets to this uncle and we can board now."

Nuo Nuo was no longer resistant to the outside world. Now his little head was filled with excitement. After sitting on the simulated spaceship, he looked all around, with a heart full of anticipation.

He did not have to wait ten thousand years. He would be able to see his daddy soon. That was great!

After buckling her seatbelt, Jing Xi held Nuo Nuo's hand. "We're leaving. Are you ready?"

"I'm ready, Auntie!" Nuo Nuo nodded.

After that, the spaceship simulation was officially launched. After a huge boom, the spaceship could be felt rising. The big screen in front of them also simulated the sky and atmosphere.