He Still Loved Her Most

Li Ruochu could no longer control her feelings. She quickly walked to the bed and threw herself onto him, crying, "Dad…"

Li Qingsong raised his skinny hand and placed it on her trembling back. His heart was filled with excitement. Before he died, he could still see his most beloved daughter. He could die in peace.

"Daddy, your daughter is unfilial. She only came back to see you now…"

Li Ruochu raised her head and said with tears streaming down her face.

All these years, she had been holding a grudge against her father for remarrying. She hated him for renewing the strings after her mother died, marrying Song Juan and giving birth to her stepsister Li Min'er.

But after so many years, she could already understand her father's helplessness at that time. Whenever she thought of how she had left home in a fit of anger, it must have hurt her father a lot. She felt very guilty.

"It's good that you're back…"

Li Qingsong's eyes were also wet.