
Li Ruochu already understood what Hong Jin was implying. Her father did not want to hand over the family business to his stepmother and stepsister. Perhaps he had his own plans and knew what the mother and daughter were planning.

Hong Jin continued, "Mr. Li said that you can read the will when you return to the country. So Miss Li, don't leave Estan for the time being. I might call you to the hospital to announce his will at any time."

"Thank you, Uncle Hong."

Before Hong Jin left, he asked for her contact number.

After visiting her father, Li Ruochu decided to come back tomorrow. Just as she was about to go back to look for Nuo Nuo and the others, she happened to meet two familiar faces.

"Is that Li Ruochu?"

Suddenly, she heard a man's voice not far away. Li Ruochu looked up and saw a couple walking towards her.

Li Ruochu looked at them and realized who they were.