Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (1)

She had never thought that she could give her precious virginity to her favorite person on her eighteenth birthday.

Qiao Ruoxi had no regrets.

The party outside had already ended. After Wen Ke'er sent off the last wave of guests, she hurried back to the villa and went upstairs.

She walked towards the room with the blue doorplate and pushed open the door.

The room was pitch black. Before Wen Ke'er could turn on the lights, a wall of flesh blocked her way.

Wen Ke'er was secretly delighted. The medicine was indeed more effective. Even the usually cold and unapproachable Prince Charming could not resist the drug and was about to bow down to her.

As she took a closer look, Wen Ke'er realized that the man's body was completely different from her impression of Feng Yunan.

He was short and chubby, and his waist was full of fat. There were also lots of blemishes on his fat face…