Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (2)

The angrier Wen Ke'er got, the calmer Qiao Ruoxi became.

She sneered. "I don't know if he will marry you in the future. I only know that he is now my man. I've already stamped my seal."


Wen Ke'er could not outargue Qiao Ruoxi. She was so angry that she wanted to slap her.

Qiao Ruoxi quickly blocked her wrist.

A sharp glint flashed in his cold eyes. He gave her two hard slaps almost instantly, making Wen Ke'er stagger two steps before she could steady herself.

"You… you bitch! How dare you hit me!"

Wen Ke'er covered her face and stared at her in disbelief.

How dare the weak and gullible Qiao Ruoxi hit someone?

"What's wrong with hitting you? I've always been a person who would not attack unless others attack me. If someone attacks me, I would pay them back in double. You've been plotting against me behind my back. I should repay you well."

A cold and sharp glint flashed in Qiao Ruoxi's indifferent eyes.