Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (94)

"No need."

"Then, you've tried so many of them. Do you like any of them?" Bao Juhua asked.

Wen Ke'er stood up and said with a disappointed expression, "I really don't have anyone I like. Forget it, I'll choose a jewelry necklace and wear it at the ceremony the day after tomorrow."

Wen Ke'er walked back to Qiao Ruoxi's counter in her high heels. She pointed at a diamond necklace worth more than five million and said without batting an eyelid, "This one will do. Please issue the invoice."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Even though she was extremely unhappy, she still wore a professional smile on her face.

After Qiao Ruoxi finished wrapping the diamond necklace, Wen Ke'er handed her a card. "Use this card."

Qiao Ruoxi took the card with both hands and immediately saw Feng Yunan's signature on the front of the card. The golden words were bold and powerful.