Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (93)


Bao Juhua nodded obediently and turned to face Qiao Ruoxi. "Ruoxi, come and serve Miss Wen. Hurry up!"

The jewelry belonged to Qiao Ruoxi and it was reasonable for her to help the customers try it on.

However, under normal circumstances, most people would try on rings, bracelets, and necklaces. Very few customers would ask the shop assistant to try on the anklets.

Now, Wen Ke'er did not choose a ring bracelet or an earring necklace. Instead, she chose an ankle bracelet right from the start. It was obvious that she was doing it on purpose. It was obvious that she wanted to use this opportunity to mess with her.

Qiao Ruoxi came out from behind the counter and went to the rest area. She took the ankle bracelet from Bao Juhua.

She squatted down and helped Wen Ke'er put it on.