Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (117)

Moreover, the necklace was not his. It was the same as the one that Wen Ke'er had chosen.

That time, Wen Ke'er told him that she had her eyes on a necklace, so he got someone to prepare one.

He had planned to give it to her as a birthday present on her birthday, but he did not know that she had already bought one at the store.

As for who had secretly bought the necklace, he would find out.

"Qiao Ruoxi, what time is it? Aren't you going back to work?"

Qiao Ruoxi did not want to stay any longer and turned around to leave without another word.

Wen Ke'er could only watch helplessly as Qiao Ruoxi left. Her plan had been ruined by Feng Yunan's arrival.

He could only wait for another chance.

When the woman's back disappeared, Feng Yunan looked away and asked, "Ke'er, are you going to start filming next?"

"No, I don't have any scenes to shoot for today."