Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (118)

When they were almost at the entrance of the film studio, Qiao Ruoxi could no longer tolerate the pain in her stomach. She rushed to the greenery beside her and vomited.

However, her stomach was empty and she could not vomit anything. She only felt nauseous.

While she was retching, she noticed a pair of clean leather shoes beside her.

She admired herself for being able to recognize the owner of the leather shoes.

Qiao Ruoxi wiped her mouth and straightened her back. Without even looking at him, she walked straight ahead.

"Qiao Ruoxi!"

Feng Yunan called her name, but she did not stop. Right now, she only wanted to stay far away from the devil man.

The man took a few steps forward and grabbed her wrist with his large hand.

Qiao Ruoxi was forced to stop. When her eyes met his, they were filled with hatred.