Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (124)

Just as she was in a daze, Auntie Nan came to call her. "Young Madam, lunch is ready. We can eat now."

Qiao Ruoxi quickly shushed her and said, "Auntie Nan, don't call me Young Madam anymore. If Mr. Feng finds out, you'll be in trouble."

As they walked towards the dining room, Auntie Nan smiled and explained, "Young Madam, it's okay. It was the President who asked me to call you. He personally ordered me to call you Young Madam from now on."

"What?" Qiao Ruoxi asked as she walked into the dining room. She had no idea what Feng Yunan was up to.

Didn't he personally order them not to call her "Young Madam"?

Why did he ask them to do so again?

Qiao Ruoxi could not understand why Feng Yunan would change his ways.

"Young Madam, I noticed that Mr. Feng is treating you better and better. It means that he cares about me."

"Don't spout nonsense, Auntie Nan. He only cares about me because I'm pregnant."