Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (125)

Auntie Nan explained, "President, Young Madam should have a pregnancy reaction, which is commonly known as morning sickness. I guess this steak is not to her taste. Pregnant women tend to easily feel nauseous after eating something oily and fishy. Women are always like this when they have morning sickness. They often feel sick to their stomachs."

Auntie Nan's words reminded Feng Yunan of the time when Qiao Ruoxi had tried to throw up at him in the shop.

At that time, he thought she was deliberately trying to disgust him. Now he realized that it was because of her morning sickness.

He glanced at the food on the table and ordered, "Remove the greasy food and change it to something light."


When Qiao Ruoxi returned to the dining table from the bathroom, she realized that the dishes on the table had all changed.

Was there something wrong with her eyes?

Or had her memory gotten worse?