Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (173)

"Miss Qiao is fine," the doctor told Feng Yunan. "She just had a scare. She should rest more."

After hearing the diagnosis, Feng Yunan was relieved. He then ordered someone to treat his wound.

Soon, a certain Official Tang, who had the title of director but was actually always treated as an errand boy, received the notice and rushed over. Wen Ke'er also came with him.

Wen Ke'er had already seen the news on the TV when she was in the ward downstairs. She saw Qin Xuming being taken away by the police and also saw the helicopter landing on the top floor of the building.

Even though the report did not mention Feng Yunan, Wen Ke'er had already guessed that Qin Xuming must have gone to look for Qiao Ruoxi.

The only person who could mobilize the Feng family helicopter was definitely Feng Yunan.

Was this the reason why he left her in a hurry?

To save Qiao Ruoxi?