Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (174)

Seeing Wen Ke'er in Feng Yunan's arms, Qiao Ruoxi felt a sourness in her heart that was so overwhelming that it made it hard for her to breathe.

She was envious that Wen Ke'er could throw herself into Feng Yunan's arms without any worries. She was envious that she could get all the tenderness and love of the man.

Even though she was his lawfully wedded wife in name, she was treated like air.

He was just an outsider.

She really did not want to continue watching them being lovey-dovey. Qiao Ruoxi quietly got up and left the ward to take a breather.

When Feng Yunan realized that she had left, he wanted to stop her, but Wen Ke'er was in his arms. In the end, he kept quiet.

Tang Yebing continued to stitch up the wound. Wen Ke'er's heart ached, but she could not bear to look at him. "Brother Nan, you must be in a lot of pain! I don't even dare to look at you anymore."

"Turn your head," Feng Yunan said.