Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (193)

"Yeah, don't dogs usually have that kind of name? William or Vivian? That's normal, okay?"

Qiao Ruoxi felt like he was asking an idiot.

The man ignored her and started the engine. Qiao Ruoxi quickly shouted, "Hey, you haven't agreed to my conditions."

"That depends on your performance."

Feng Yunan did not say yes or no. Instead, he gave a vague answer.

What does that mean?

'Depends on my performance?'

'Can you please finish your words?'

Qiao Ruoxi understood that he probably did not want her to have a dog. She had to think of another way.

Feng Yunan was driving when his phone rang. Qiao Ruoxi took a peek and saw that the caller was "Ke'er."

It was Wen Ke'er.

Feng Yunan turned his head to look at the screen but did not answer immediately.

The phone kept ringing. Qiao Ruoxi asked, "Your sweetheart is calling you. Aren't you going to answer?"