Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (194)

They went back to the Ocean Pavilion together!

The Ocean Pavilion was her favorite place. She had thought that she would live there after she married Feng Yunan. But now, Qiao Ruoxi had taken over the pigeon nest and snatched the place that should have belonged to her.

That bitch!

"Brother Nan, I'm so sad. I don't know what's wrong with the dog tonight. It ran into the banquet hall and ruined my grandfather's birthday. How inauspicious. My grandfather is advanced in years, I'm so worried about him."

Feng Yunan comforted her, "Don't think too much, it'll be fine. Your grandfather will live a long life."

Wen Ke'er wanted to continue chatting, but Feng Yunan said, "Okay, it's getting late. You should rest early! Good night."

Wen Ke'er knew Feng Yunan's temper very well and was aware that she could not continue to pester him. She could only say goodnight.