Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (266)

Qiao Ruoxi was trying on a new necklace for the customers when the phone under the cabinet vibrated.

But the customers were the most important. She did not pick up the phone and continued to introduce the jewelry to the customers.

Feng Yunan called three times, but no one picked up. In the end, he had no choice but to get out of the car and go straight to the store to look for her.

At this time, the flagship store was not very busy. A few customers were choosing jewelry inside. When Feng Yunan walked in, a shop assistant noticed that he wanted to shout, but he signaled for him to keep quiet.

Everyone thought that the president was going on a daily tour of the store, so they all went back to work in their best condition.

Feng Yunan noticed Qiao Ruoxi standing behind the counter, introducing the jewelry to the couple.