Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (267)

Qiao Ruoxi stood up to leave, but was stopped by Feng Yunan. "You're not allowed to leave until after dinner!"

"Hey! Can you be more reasonable?"

"No. Hurry up and finish these."

He handed her the piece of steak that he had cut. Qiao Ruoxi sat down angrily and continued eating.

But she ignored him. Feng Yunan tried to find a topic to talk about. "The results of the preliminary round of the jewelry design competition are out. Aren't you curious about the results?"

"The results are out? Did I get selected?" Qiao Ruoxi asked. Of course she wanted to know the results. Having worked hard for such a long time, she couldn't let her efforts go down the drain.


"I'm in?"

"Guess again!"

"I didn't get chosen?"

"Guess again!"

"Boring!" Qiao Ruoxi felt that he was deliberately teasing her. She was so angry that she did not want to talk to him.