Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (269)

She handed over her work and explained the design concept.

What she wanted to express repeatedly was the relationship between jewelry and happiness, as well as the meaning of jewelry exceeding her own value.

The judges had seen her design and listened to her explanation. Although they all felt that she had not gone through proper studies, she was indeed very talented in design. They all agreed to give her a chance to advance.

Qiao Ruoxi was very happy to receive the qualification and kept bowing to the judges.

When she came out of the competition venue, she happened to see Ling Xuan entering. Ling Xuan looked at the green card in her hand and a look of disdain flashed across her eyes.

Qiao Ruoxi returned to her seat and shared the good news with Li Yixue. Li Yixue knew that she could hug her happily.

She could have left, but Li Yixue wanted to wait and see what would happen after Ling Xuan went in.