Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (270)

He wanted her to kowtow to him?

Qiao Ruoxi would never kneel to a woman like her!

In order to save Li Yixue, Qiao Ruoxi suddenly broke the bottom of a wine bottle. She grabbed Ling Xuan's collar and pressed it against Ling Xuan's face. She said fiercely, "If you dare touch my friend today, this glass bottle of mine will strike you! You're right! I'm a down-and-out heiress. I don't have anything to my name, and I'm not afraid of wearing shoes. Why don't we try it? A life for a life? See if it's worth it?"

Ling Xuan looked at the glass bottle in her hand and didn't dare to move.

She had never thought that she would have such explosive power when she looked weak and delicate.

"You win, Qiao Ruoxi!"

Ling Xuan had no choice but to let Li Yixue go. Qiao Ruoxi also pushed Ling Xuan away and left with Li Yixue.