Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (280)

Qiao Ruoxi knew that Feng Tian had started his career at Di Ruiling Jewelry. The legacy of Di Ruiling Jewelry had been passed down for several generations. Furthermore, his reputation as the President of the Fengtian Group was not undeserved.

With Feng Yunan's help, the few pieces of jewelry that could not be made overnight were finally completed before midnight.

Looking at the finished products, Qiao Ruoxi was both surprised and touched. "They match my original design perfectly. I knew the finished product would be very beautiful."

"That's your design."

Feng Yunan, who was not good at praising people, finally praised her today.

"Thank you. Thank you for helping me today."

Feng Yunan got up from the table and washed his hands. Then, he said, "Pack up and get ready to go back."
