Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (281)

"Love is an eternal ability. It can penetrate time, and experience war and artillery fire. As long as love is still there, time will stay there forever. Therefore, I had such an inspiration in my heart at that time. Red represents the flames of war, blue represents silent waiting, and the fusion of rubies and sapphires is the love represented by time."

After Qiao Ruoyi finished speaking, the audience applauded warmly.

If the gemstone jewelry only gave people a luxurious and gorgeous feeling, when Qiao Ruoxi added a deep meaning to this set of works, this set of works gained life.

Such a moving and beautiful love story could infect everyone. The set of jewelry called "Time", which had its origins in this story, also became different.

Amidst the applause, Feng Yunan and Mu Yunli stared at Qiao Ruoxi quietly. Mu Yunli's eyes were full of praise and admiration. The woman he had his eyes on was indeed different from the rest.