Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (282)

Qiao Ruoxi shook off her hand. "Miss Ling, this is a formal competition. Do you think everyone relied on tricks to get a place in the rankings? Wrong! We relied on luck and strength! You are stronger than me, so what? It's a pity that your luck is not as good as mine! Even your own brother did not vote for you. You can think about your own shortcomings now!"

Qiao Ruoxi was indeed lucky. The two big shots had voted for her in the end. This kind of luck was absolutely heaven-defying!

"Hmph! If they didn't vote for you, do you think you could've won tonight's championship? I should've been the champion!"

In a fit of anger, Ling Xuan grabbed Qiao Ruoxi's crystal trophy and threw it on the ground.


The crystal trophy broke into pieces.

When Qiao Ruoxi her first trophy in her life was shattered, she was so angry that she slapped Ling Xuan. "You're too much!"

Ling Xuan held her face and glared at her. "Qiao Ruoxi, how dare you hit me?"