Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (288)

Qiao Ruoxi muttered to herself.

However, Feng Yunan was so shocked that he could not speak.

He could tell her that there was only one jade pendant in the world and no other.

If he remembered correctly, he had indeed said those words back then. Could it be that he had been mistaken all along?

Before confirming, Feng Yunan carefully carried Qiao Ruoxi out of the car and into the villa. Finally, he placed her on the sofa.

He knelt on one knee in front of her and said to her, "Think about it again. What is your connection with Wenjing Garden? Did you go to Wenjing Garden five years ago? Did you go to the Blue Sparrow Mountain 14 years ago?"

"I forgot."

"Why did you forget? You clearly remembered it just now."

"I was in a car accident five years ago and forgot a lot of things. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt." Qiao Ruoxi held her head and frowned.