Love Comes Like The Southern Breeze (289)

Right now, he already knew what his choice was. He didn't want to continue being wrong.

Meanwhile, Qiao Ruoxi did not reply. She was surprised by the answer. If the child was not Feng Yunan's, then who was the father of Wen Ke'er child?

After that, they went to the mall. Feng Yunan accompanied Qiao Ruoxi to choose some baby products.

"Isn't it too early to buy it now?" Qiao Ruoxi asked. There were still a few months before she gave birth.

"How is it early? The baby will be born soon. You should at least prepare in advance," said Feng Yunan. To stop Qiao Ruoxi from nagging, he simply mentioned his grandfather. "Grandpa asked me to prepare for the baby. Hurry up and choose."


After picking out the baby products, they ate outside. After the meal, Feng Yunan even insisted on inviting her to a movie.

Everything that they did was like what a real couple would do. Qiao Ruoxi was flattered the entire time.