5)Sovereign , surprise attack

Cultivation is not only part of becoming stronger. But also on the part of becoming a immortal. Immortal truly don't exist but those really strong people can survive the trial of heaven's for a very large amount of time.

To become really strong one must first stay strong by heart. Cultivation takes huge amount of time. So one must have patience. Otherwise at some point their cultivation may get stagnated or they may have huge backlash due to improper foundation. Also one must not fear death at any cost. At some stages of cultivation they may have to face death. But if they clear that point without fear they will become a peerless expert under the heaven's. That is the most essential point for cultivation. Those that stand now at the summit all know about this point clearly and they have all cleared this point.

For all cultivators who want to become peerless under the heaven's sovereign stage is the starting point. For it to reach that it takes considerable amount of talent, luck and hard work. Most of the martial cultivators under the heaven fail to reach this stage and fade away with time.

In the continent sovereign stage may not be a big one but in the outer part of the continent it is a very big deal. When one starts to reach towards the sovereign stage one undergoes a huge change. One becomes incredibly stronger. Once you reach that stage you will start your footing in the real cultivation world.

For demonic beasts it is very same as well. When a demonic beast reaches that stage it can take it's human form and also forms intelligence. It is a very essential part for it.

And the demonic beast present here was also part of a very ancient clan. That is why 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was slightly surprised.

"hmm? A cripple dares to walk in front of me?" 'Sky Demon Tiger' was sifted it's gaze towards 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'.

"hehhe" 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' giggled and *woos* went towards 'Sun Yun'.

"are you ok?" he slightly gazed at her.

"I am fine…"" what are you doing here?" she was startled by 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'. She was sucked by a strange vortex. So how could he here? Was he also sucked? No! he was not around her. So??

"are you the one who destroyed the vortex and the platform??" 'Sky Demon Tiger' coldly spoke.

"hehhe so??"" really I didn't expect a sky demon tiger to be found here in the outer part of the continent?" he counter spoke.

"hmph!! A mere cripple dares to wander around me??"" it must be due to some artefact that you…."" No matter it is my luck. A ice constitution. It is my luck!!! Hehh" 'Sky Demon Tiger' laughed.

"are you 'Sky Demon Tiger' all so dumb??"

"what???" 'Sky Demon Tiger' howled in rage. How dare this puny human?

"no?? you are hiding here that mean's either you are banished from your clan or you have no aptitude??" 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was mocking him.

"you little!"

*wiss*wiss*wisss* there started violent energy fluctuation in the surrounding. Wherever the shockwaves touched it started to destroy everything in the way.

'Sky Demon Tiger's' were very proud creatures. And this sky demo tiger was cultivating for long more than 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'. When it started cultivating 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' had not even born. But it was mocked by a human who was a cripple. How could it not be angered? In fact anyone would be angered. And if it did not try to take care of it now some regrets may left and it will affect it's martial dao which is not good.

"let's see what you have got!!" 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' dashed forward. He was a martial lunatic from the start. After the incident four years ago he became even more lunatic and started to practice more and more violently.

He was trying to take out his ancient sword. "hmm?" suddenly he noticed something was not right. "crap!!" he tried to turn..

"not good!! Watch out!!" 'Sun Yun's' concerned voice rang out. Before it could reach him…

"ahh!!" a powerful slash hit him from backward and was sent flying towards a nearby rock.

"spatial distortion??" 'Sun Yun' was stunned.

to be continued
