7)Sky Demon Tiger’ true abilty

Spatial power. One of the rare power. The power which most desire but not obtainable. It is the power to pass through space.

Spatial power is one of the major headache of cultivator's who do not possess it. With spatial power it is difficult to determine the attacks.

If a normal cultivator want's to counter it they must have extraordinary battle sense. Only those at the top of the cultivation world or those with special aptitude can use it.

In the continent there are very few who could use it other than the true expert. Those except true expert who could use it either had a special aptitude for it or they had special mean's.

And 'Sky Demon Tiger Clan' did not had this aptitude. So how could it use??

"you can use spati… power?" 'Sun Yun' was stunned. She was no ordinary person. So she knew about the 'Sky Demon Clan'. Although she had not met any before but she had heard about it before and she knew that it did not had any spatial power. So how could it?

"you??" even 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was slightly stunned. He had heard from his master once about spatial abilities. But this is his first time seeing it.

"great!!" fierce battle intent raged in 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang's' eyes. But he was slightly injured due to the sudden setback. But he was not dispirited.

In a battle of martial cultivators it is very rare to not get injured. But one must not get dispirited. It is very necessary. Same goes for 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'.

*zzz* he summoned his ancient rotten sword. It was giving as mysterious feeling. He rushed with the ancient sword in his hand towards the 'Sky Demon Tiger'.

*roar* the tiger gave a dangerous howl. It had not yet passed the sovereign tribulation barrio so it still had it's beastly behaviour.

"swift strike!!" 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' brandished his sword at the 'Sky Demon Tiger'. The attack was very fast. It was not any great attack. It was something he designed himself during his journey with his master. He practiced infinite times a day and he had finally become proficient. It's speed was very very fast. Even for the peak experts it may be impossible to be seen. Only Those who have extraordinary battle senses could counter it.

*clang* a sharp metal clashing sound could be heard. The attack was very fast. It's momentum was very deadly. It was a fierce attack.

But to the contrary nothing happened. "ahh!!" 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' felt a sharp pain in his wrist. He almost let go of his sword. He took few steps back. He was shocked. The attack which he had confidence on was easily broken. How could that happen?

"you have sovereign diamond body??" in this world when a martial cultivator reaches sovereign stage they must cultivate a body type. For a sovereign their body is the most important. It is which undergoes the most transformation. But there are some who possess extraordinary talent and are born with a sovereign body. They are peerless geniuses.

"what?" even 'Sun Yun' was shocked.

"no! no! it is not possible" if this 'Sky Demon Tiger' had such talent then it would not be hiding then.

"you… have devouring talent??" 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' exclaimed.

"yes!!" 'Sky Demon Tiger' nodded.

"what?" both 'Sun Yun' and 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' screamed in shock. Devouring talent is a very rare talent. If someone possess than he can devour any persons talent and make it his. If cultivated properly he could turn into a peerless genius. And in the continent only one person showed such rare legendary talent. And that person is a legend now.

"you.. must have some lucky encounter…" that person and 'Sky Demon Tiger Clan' where worlds apart. If that person wanted he could wipe this whole clan without even thinking. That means he must have found a miraculous encounter. Peerless experts always leave behind some kind of rare mysteries for younger generation just like flame king who did to 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'.

"a dead person should not talk so much!!" *wiss* it brandished it's claws.

"watch out!!" 'Sun Yun' screamed in hurry.

*woos* this time he somehow dodged it barely.

"good! Good!" 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' started to smile devilishly. Flames started to come out of his whole body.

"you!!" 'Sun Yun' watched at him in shock.

to be continued