12)Rebirth flames, finishing the incomplete, mysterious dagger

'Sun Yun' was sure that she would not make it in time. If she was interrupted she would definitely die. But…

Some kind of strange flame wall came in front of her and it protected it. "hmm?" when she raised her head she saw a broad back. It was very steady and was giving a feeling of strong security. And it was covered in flames and a strange phoenix was on his back.

"you?" she was startled. 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was already nearly on the death stage. But now he was here to protect her.

"it's Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'" he gave a smile from the bottom of his heart. He usually was very cold to everyone. And he did not tell his name to everyone but she was different. Although she was cold but she tried to protect him. Which touched his heart.

"your injuries?" she inquired.

"yeah they are fine for now, you should now stop destructing the … reincarnation seal…" he lightly spoke.

"ha?" after few seconds she got it. She made some strange hand seals and the mysterious seal on her back vanished.

"shall we finish this together?" he asked. This 'Sky Demon Tiger' was annoying him for some time. It had almost killed him and her. Even if they were dead but it must not be left alive. It was about to break through the sovereign stage. In this outer region of the continent it is quite dangerous.

Even through he was somewhat better now but he was not very strong to deal with it alone. So they must take action together.

"yes!" chilling killing intent flashed through 'Sun Yun's' eyes. She is determined to kill the demonic beast now.

"roarrr!" 'Sky Demon Tiger' gave a huge loud howl. The howl carried stronge energy fluctuations.

"wiss""wiss" waves of gust flew at both 'Sun Yun' and 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'. The gust was strong. If it hit them they would be shred to pieces. For 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' even though he had strong body due to marrow strengthening he would have huge bruises on his body which was painful.

He gripped his fist tightly. Suddenly it turned black.

"power of will!!" he tightly punched the air in front of him.


some crackling sounds can be heard.


Energy in the surrounding violently started to shake. It was turning upside down.

*woos* the gust vanished suddenly due to the sudden trembling.

"this…" 'Sun Yun' was slightly startled. How could there be such a huge shaking of energy just due to a punch in thin air which contained no energy fluctuation. This was her first time seeing this.

*roarrr*Rorrr!!!* the sky demon tiger gave a no of huge dangerous howls. It was truly enraged.

*doo* it ran towards 'Shen Duan Yun Fang'.

*mad claw* it brandished it's powerful claws at him.

*clutch* he clenched his fight tightly. It suddenly turned black again.

"power of will, punch!!" 'Shen Duan Yun Fang' punched his fist towards the 'Sky Demon Tiger'. The fist was very strange. It did not had any energy fluctuations but wherever it passed energy got distorted. It was a very strange phenomenon.

*boom* a fist and a punch collided. It created powerful energy distortion.

"ha!" both took a few steps back.

"mad claw!"

"power of will, punch!"

A fist and a claw collided again.

*boom* energy distortions occurred again. They again took a few steps back.

And again attacked each other again.


After some

"wisss!!" In the midst of battle a strange flame started to came out of 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang's' hand. It covered his black fist. It was somewhat crimson red violet bluish in colour. It was very strange.

"power of will, rebirth punch!!" as the battle continued he punched with his flame, "wiss! Wiss!" the enemy attacks started to strangely dissolve under the flames punch. the surrounding energy distortion started to dissolve as well. It was very strange.

*boom* "ah!" a bloody hole was formed at the body of the 'Sky Demon Tiger'.

"this.." 'Sun Yun' was shocked. This 'Sky Demon Tiger' had a strong body. So how could it's inpenetrable defence be so easily taken down.

"you! I will tear you apart!!" "roarrr" 'Sky Demon Tiger' howled in madness. It ran towards him in madness.

"power of will, rebirth punch!!" he attacked with the punch again.

"boom!" the bloody hole got larger. 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang'. Had targeted at the same point as earlier.

After series of attacks at the same point the defence of 'Sky Demon Tiger' was extremely weak.

What 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was using was power of rebirth flame. A flame unique to phoenix clan. When a phoenix rebirths from ashes it has this flame.

It has strong healing properties. But it can also turn anything into nothing. Since phoenix can rebirth from ashes but can also fail which means turning into nothingness.

He was punching at the same point which was slowly crumbling it's defences.

But his 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang's expression was slightly pale. It was heavily taxing.

He turned his pale face towards 'Sun Yun' and spoke "now!"

"yes!" 'Sun Yun' clentched her fist in air. A large ice lance formed in air. It had a very sharp point.

"ice lance!" she shoot it at the 'Sky Demon Tiger'''s bloody hole.

"roarrr!!!" it pierced through the 'Sky Demon Tiger's' body.

*bam* it fell on the ground heavily.

"wiss!!" it's aura was getting slowly down.it was taking it's last breath.

*woos* suddenly 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' came in front of it. He took out a dagger from his body.it was very old. And had become rusty.

Suddenly his hand became black again.

*gloom* the dagger started to lit up suddenly. There were various small mysterious seals embedded on it. He took the dagger towards the 'Sky Demon Tiger'.

A light started to flew out of the 'Sky Demon Tiger's' body. And it was absorbed by the mysterious dagger in 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' hand.

"what are you….?" Before it could finish talking a last bit of light flew onto the dagger.

"you!" the 'Sky Demon Tiger' took it's last breath and fell on to the ground. 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' hid the dagger and also started to hid the corpse of the 'Sky DemonTIger'. It's corpse was valuable, and also he didn't want to bring trouble by leaving the corpse since it belonged to a powerful powerhouse.

"what just happened??" 'Sun Yun' was surprised. She had nearly killed the 'Sky Demon Tiger'. But what was with the strange dagger?

to be continued