13)Resting, talk, getting out

It is a pitch dark place. It was very silent. There is nothing present in a 1000 miles. It is a ncalm place but also with a mysterious dangerous feeling.

2 persons could be seen in this quite place.

One was a man with a not very handsome but mature face. Another was a woman. A otherworldly fairy can also be said. Both were resting here.

They were 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' and 'Sun Yun'. After a dangerous battle with the 'Sky Demon Tiger' which was defeated with great difficulty they were exhausted. So they had to rest here.

'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was sitting quietly with eyes closed. He was very exhausted. So he is trying to recover. There was just a calm and serene expression on his face.

A strange crimson red violet bluish flame was covered on his whole body. They were flames coming from all parts of his body. If seen closely his wounds were slowly starting to heal. It was a miraculous heal.

It was the rebirth flame.

After his flame evolved it turned into a rebirth flame. Rebirth flame is a very strange and mysterious flame. It has strong healing capabilities. But also a little taxing. Currently he is using it to heal himself from the aftermath of the injury. He is now using it since he is gravely injured.

Currently a slight distance beside him a very beautiful lady was also reccuparating. She was heavily injured doing the fight. Also she forcefully damaged her reincarnation seal for sudden increased in strength. So she is currently injured. Although the reincarnation seal cannot be repaired but it can be slightly stabilized for future consequences.

'Sun Yun' had a very painful expression. It was not easy to treat her injury. But if it is not treated properly….. she will have a major set back in her cultivation.

*flick* he slightly batted at 'Sun Yun' and lighly flicked his finger towards her.

"wosss" the flame on his body slowly started to move towards her. It was a very strange scene. The flame slowly wrapped itself around her whole body.

"hmm?" 'Sun Yun' suddenly started to feel very comfortable. It was a nice cosy feeling. She wanted to open her eyes to see what was happening but the cosy feeling did not let her do this.

Slowly her wounds started to heal up. Each and every part of her body was getting healed.

Similary for him as well but his expression was getting slightly painful. Since he is using the flames on himself as well 'Sun Yun' it is very taxing.

It nearly lasted for a day."woss" suddenly 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' took back his rebirth flame. His wounds were nearly healed but he was exhausted to death.

*bam* he collapsed.

"hmm?" 'Sun Yun' slowly opened her eyes. She saw a person sleeping. He was very exhausted.

"this person!!" she just slightly smiled and went towards him and put a blanket on him. And she sat down beside him and started to cultivate. Since she was injured her energy inside her body was disrupted. She would have to stabilize it.

After nearly half day

"ha?" he woke up. His wounds almost healed up. He is now in a perfect condition.

"hmm?" he turned his head to see a matured young beautiful lady was silently cultivating. He kept quie and started to practice some martial arts techniques a little far.

After some time

"few!" the beautiful lady finally opened her pretty eyes. She released a foul breadth and watched serenely at the handsome young man practising his martial arts.

After some time 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' came and sit beside her.

"miss are your wounds healed?" he politely asked. She was nice to him. So he will also be nice to her.

"yes!"" my name is 'Sun Yun'" she told her name.

"so miss fang are you injuries healed?" he asked again.

'Sun Yun' was slightly agitated by the word 'MISS' but she kept quite. "yes!" she replied.

"nice!!"" you seems to be a reincarnator!! Where are you from?" 'SHen Duan Yu Han Fang' asked. He was slightly curious about her. Reincarnator are no ordinary people. They stood at the peak of this world and were really powerful once.

"that…" 'Sun Yun' wanted to say something but hesitated. She had some reasons.

"ok!" he did not had dwell into much more. Everyone had their reasons.

"what about your dagger?" 'Sun Yun' asked. She was really curious about it. She could tell that this dagger was not a normal one. It was a mysterious..

"this was made by my master!!" he just spoke this much.

"oh!" she could tell that he did not want to speak. But she thought 'master'? who could make such a ….

"it seems we should go now!" he spoke.

"ok!" 'Sun Yun' agreed. They have spent nearly 3 days now. They should go back now.

*wiss* 'Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' took out his mysterious dagger again. And he slashed it a empty space. A spatial tunnel opened. They went through it.

After they went away it was lifeless again.


In some place very far away

"I will kill you bastard!!!!!!" a heavy energy ripple shook the heavens.

To be continued