She understand that her son fallen in love with that girl at the first sight. In her entire life that was the first time she heard that her son compared her to other girl. No matter how beautiful girl appear in front of him her never taken glance more than one time he was like cold stone.

'It seems like, I will be able to find my daughter-in-law soon'

She smiled along, to her it was the most precious feelings she was so excited that her worry is about to crumble. Her eyes ligthen up and she wanted to know more about her.

" Is she that much beautiful? This is the first time you compared someone with me, it look like I found competitor, with whom I have to fight for attention from my son."

Neharika put up an act and in inside he chuckled.

"Mom, no matter who came in my life you will be always my first priority. But this is the first time my heart race by seeing someone's smile. You know her character was also.. never mind. " He wanted to tell every detail to her mothrr but he found he have no word to describe about her. This was his first time he left speechless by looking at some else personality.

Neharika was looking Samar's activities, her son seems he fell in love at first sight. She felt happy and also worried. She hope that girl would as good as her. Although she have faith on her sons taste, but still she is his mother, how can a mother can not be worried for her child.

" I will pray for you Darling. And I m sure, she will also acknowledge you as her partner because I know there is no one is good enough than my son." She said to him and kissed on his forehead.

"You are the bestest in this world." Samar felt really happy, his mother always stand in his side. This time also she agreed to chase after a girl. He felt really lucky have such good mother

After saying that Samar went to his room. At the same time Samir and Sweta both of them arrived.

"Hi, Mom" Both greeted to Mrs Pradhan.

"Hello, my lovely daughter and son has arrived. Oh I missed you so much Samir." Mrs Pradhan express her love and tenderness toward Samir. She always love them as her own child.What she most liked in both of them was cheerful and lively personality as per Samar he seems quite cold and domineering.

"I missed you too mom." Samir felt really touched, when he saw Neharika, after replying plant a kiss in her forehead. For him she is his mother. After his mother death found motherly love from her. His step mother always keeps him away not only that she also build wall between Him and his father. He felt unsafe zone around his step mother.

Sweta was enjoying the scene in front of her, loving mother and son enjoying their lovelg. But devil arrives distrupted, When Samar arrived with his luggage he saw his mother affectionally distributing his love to other. He rushed towards her and hugged his mother.

" I really hate this moment. Why should I always have to apart from you." Samar said to his mother. While provoking Samir from his cold gaze. But Samir ignored him and hugged her and bade farewell.

"Have a safe journey. All of you." Mrs Pradhan wished all of them. She also hate to have to apart from her children.

"Find my daughter-in-law also wish you a luck." She wishpered to Samar.

At Darjeeling...

Smrity finally reached at her college, she completed all her admission process and hostel process. After then she takes her room key and headed toward her room. She saw there is a room for two. She wonder who will be her room partner. She was hoping she will not be a talkative person.

Smrity loved to stay on peaceful and quiet environment. As per she also used to talked very less. When someone talk unnecessary she always make them suffer. For their own sake she is hoping, her partner must be silent person.

When she reached her room , she found hostel is quite good, room also seem quite good. It's made reliable for study, quiet and peaceful.

When she open door of room, she saw her roommate. She looks extremely beautiful, and those dimple was more attractive. She found she is busying with her own stuff, she didn't even notice her arrival. Smrity knocked at door, after then finally notice her.

"Hi, I am Sweta Chettri." She felt embarrassed infornt of Smrity when she saw extremely gorgeous girl. She is in plain looks but still she is like fallen. She smiled and said.

"Hello, I am Smrity Thakuri." Smrity smiled at her. She didn't give much reaction to Sweta, but Sweta didn't take in her heart because she was used of these kind of personality.