Sweta found, she is quite similar to Samar, cold and aloof. She is beautiful, also looking at her personality she looks intelligent. But there is no proudness around, she looks really detached from world. Who seems only care about own work. Sweta really started to like her, when she saw after settling down Smrity. Asked if she need any help, from this Sweta could tell she is very generous and loyal.

Smrity also like Sweta very much, it seems she is really innocent and naive, at the same time understanding and good person. So Smrity decided to make her friend. At the same time all her previous worries disappeared.

First day of college.

Smrity and Sweta entered through gate. College seems really lively, all fresher are observing environment and there is excitment and interest in their eyes. Smrity couldn't help but raise her eyes brows.

At the same time. Sweta raise her hand to a group, there was 2 girls and a boy who were chatting eagerly and happily.

When they saw Sweta, they came toward them and greet them. While their eyes fixed on girl behind Sweta, who is in white dress.

"Good morning, where are they? Haven't they arrived yet?" Sweta greet them back while asking about other member of group also.

"We don't know, we had just arrived as well. Well who is she?" The boy from the group said, his eyes was totally stunned by the beauty of Smrity.

"She is my new friend and also my roommate." Sweta replied with a glare, she knew what he was thinking. But at the same time, he parted his lip

"She is so beautiful. Will you help me to..." he wishpered to Sweta when his eyes fixed on Smrity. But before he could finished his words Sweta interrupt him, with angry low voice she warned him.

"Shut your, mouth otherwise I will break your 206 bone into 412." She gave him dangerous aura, he could feel chill in his spine so he immediately shut his mouth.

"Well guys, She is Smrity." Sweta started to introduce Smrity to them.

"Hi, I am Riya, Riya Sharma" A girl in blue dress came forward and said with beautiful smile. She looks beautiful but she looks but off at the same time

"Hello, I am Seema Gurung. I must say that you have so beautiful eyes ."Another girl came up and said, She couldn't help but gives her compliment.

Smrity was used to by all these, so she didn't flattered.

"Hi, I am Smrity Thakuri. Nice to meet you. Also I am really grateful for your compliment but I think both of you are more beautiful." Smrity replied them with genuine smile, but there is distance in her actions.

"And me how do I look? Well I am Rajiv.. Rajiv Sewa." The boy in the group finally gather some courage and introduce himself. Without forgetting flirting with her.

Smrity's mouth twitched when he saw how shameless was he. She decided to ignore him.

"Well, Nice to meet you too." Smrity said to him there is not any warmth in her tone. It was like ice dagger, he felt she is more dangerous than Sweta. Sweta saw it was time for class.

"Oh we are going get late for class, Its time to go in class." Sweta said in hurried tone.

They were about to rushed.

But Smrity looked at Sweta apologizetically said. "Guys, You all go first, I have some matter in office. After finishing themI will join you later."

Sweta and other have no issue about it so they didn't reject her,

"OK. See you in the class. I will save place for you." Sweta replied her with a smile.

After Smrity leaved, Seema and other felt suffocating air finally became normal. When Smrity was there they felt really chilly and suffocating around. They felt Smrity is really dangerous.

"Guys, don't you think her personality match to someone." Seema said to other, thinking about someone.

" With king devil." Rajiv replied adding " But guys she is damn beautiful. I like her mole on her cheek that makes her appearance perfect."

"Hello, gossip king and queen. If your Gossips had finished shall we leave. Otherwise first day we will get punished." Riya scold them

In the class Samar, Samir, and Sweta was sitting in a same row. Samar seems lost somewhere. Samir was playing with his phone. Sweta was peeking on door continuously.

"Hey, Whom are you waiting? Is your boyfriend coming?" Samir asked her curiously.

" Stop talking crap otherwise I'll break your jaw." Sweta said lifting her her souldher.

At the same time teacher arrived.

"Dear, Students I am your professor Mrs Singh. And I am very happy and also we are very lucky to have such great student these year. After the hard work all these year we finally came to university level.. So work hard and give you best to our college." Teacher was giving her opinions to student. She saw a student had just arrived.

" May I come in mam?" A girl in white dress asked permission.

Mrs Singh gave her smile and gave her sign to came in. Smrity entered in class. When Samar saw her his heart is about jumped. The girl he wants to search desperately, he find her without effort. Smrity saw Sweta was raising her hand and giving sign to come. She was about to walk until she heard a sound.

"Wait, are you a state topper of Sikkim?? Are Smrity Thakuri who got 98% on H.S." Mrs Singh asked.

" Yes, Mam." Smrity replied casually there is no sign of proudness. If there was other students they definitely introduce as topper but Smrity kept low profile. She didn't even show any pride.