Everyone was shocked by what they heard. There was lots of student who got above 90% but no one reached their % at 98 that was the first time, they saw a girl who got 98%. They have lots of questions, how it comes some one entered in this college with 98%? There is lots of top colleges in India where she can apply. Why she applied this college?

As per Samir, he was recovering from from first shocked that he meet Smrity as his classmate. Although she was very much beautiful but as per her attitude he didn't want to play with her. In reality she was the second girl that makes his heart race. May be she is similar to her. Now she actually became genius like her, he knew how she used to taunt him whenever he made idiotic mistake and makes him embarrassed. These feeling with Smrity when they met and till now is really alike when he spend his time with Samajana.

As per Samar felt excited and happy too at same time he found a girl whom he was about search not only that she became genius. The most important she was his best friend roommate. Now he almost started to trust on luck.


Samar is thinking about past suddenly he heard a notice to board in the flight. So he recollect himself and turned around he found every one was about left then he looked toward to Smrity's direction. She is still sitting there with no hurry it seems that she is not going back. By noticing she is not leaving for Sikkim his face darkened.

So he pray to Lord Shiv " Please lord, help me this once please send her back we need her. Make her realise that running away is not a solution."

All he want he her to go back and fight for her right and get revenge. He wants her to be happy he wants her to be with him good knows how much he missed her, how much he needs her.

As per her getting back he was willing to give up everything he have. He is willing to cry in front of her, beg her to go with him. He wants to hug her conlose her that he is with her but what time had come she reject him to recognize his identity. His existence doesn't even matter to her she themselves worse than strangers. Those cold eyes of hers it looks lifeless, she look at him like a stranger looking at him. She seems more ruthless and cold than before he knew it because of her loneliness she became like this. But still he don't want her to be like this he wants her those sprakling black eyes back.

With all those thoughts he get up unwillingly to leave, he don't want to leave that sight where he could see her. He don't know now when will heaven bless him. When he got the news about Smrity that where she is. Every seconds for him was like victory. When he saw her, he was hoping that she felt the same way he felt but gave him the most cold sight .At that his heart ache, that pain was more painful than waiting for her, searching her.

In flight, flight Attendance helps Samar to get his seat. His fellow traveler had not arrived yet. He settle down in his sit and pull out a business magazine.

At the same time Smrity also enter in flight. Flight attendance takes her to her seat.

Leeza saw the person besides Smrity's seat seems seat bit drunk.She get worried, she knew Smrity hates drunkard more than that she always love peaceful environment. With drunkard she didn't want give her seat their.

" Miss, You should take my seat. I think he will cause trouble for you."

" And what about you? Don't worry you go to your seat I will ask to change my seat."

Although Smrity was cold to her but she care for her alot, that's enough for her. Smrity asked to changed her seat. When she saw where she got seat she even more regret. She actually have to seat with Samar.

When Samar saw she was sitting with him, he felt that heaven is also helping him. He couldn't help but he reveal his smile. Damn, He looks so handsome when he smile.

Inside he thanks to god: " Thanks to lord Shiv".. He is really happy that heaven blessed him so soon. He prayed with the determination that he will make sure she will recognise him.