A game

Leeza immediately pick up the call.

"Hello, Miss where did you go? I have been looking for you everywhere. Are you alright?

Leeza asked her in concerned tone.

"Leeza, I am ok you don't have to worry. I just feel suffocating that's why I came for drive . I will be back soon go home and finish your work." Smrity comfort her.

After the call Leeza headed toward home. But she is still concerned about her.

After the call Smrity tried to open the file.

" Wow, It actually have a lock system. No matter how but I have to open it. And find that moron."

" Wait...Wait.. Why rush? How about to play a game?"

She murmured herself. She opened her laptop. She sent a email. After sending it, lip slightly curved.

She take out her phone and make a call.

"Hello" From other side hurriedly response the call.

" Did you find any clue who killed the witness?"

" I am searching it."

" You better be do fast. And did you visit Mr Pradhan?"

" Yes, Miss his flight will be flying tomorrow 6 am."

" Hmm." After that Smrity about to cut call.

" Miss.." Soham spoke out.

" What is it?" Smrity asked in cold tone.

" Nothing.. Take care." Soham did not dare to ask to forgive them.

At Pradhan Residences

Samar is lazily walking around. When his mother saw she noticed today he had changed slightly. Although he is not smiling but his eyes looks little soft than other times.

She goes by his side and patted on his back.

" What is it, mom?"

"That what I should ask, isn't it?" Neeharika Raised her eyebrows.

" Ahh, Nothing special. I am just walking."

Samar tried to avoid of his mother curiosity. At this time can't afford to take any risk. His priority is now Smrity's safety.

His mother is about to say something. He grab his car's keys and leaved the home.