Peaceful Lakeside

Samar stopped at a lake side. When he feel sad or happy he always came here. This is the place where he get some time for himself. Where his memories refreshed. Other side of lake Samar see a girl standing alone, it look like she had also came here for peace.

But why do he feel like that figure is familiar.

"No wonder people actually said right when love someone whole heartedly, They see everyone as like their love one."

" No...No..No...No.. She had returned now and also this place have full of our memories. She liked this place most. May be she is here or May be that girl is her."

Samar immediately make a call.


" Samir, don't you want to see her, if you want come to lake side. I think she is here."

" I will be there in 5 min" Samir said excitedly.

They both loved Smrity.For them Smrity is precious than their life, they are willing to face any danger for her. After the call Samar started to walk.

On the other side Smrity is standing by leaning her head on the tree. In her eyes there is no trace of anxiety and sorrow. She always loved this place. Every time she visit, she forgot everything.

Smrity climb up in the tree and sat on tree branch. She started to sing a song.

Air passed by my side...

With fragance of peechwood...

My heart is floating in river...

To capture love of deep sea..

It would be my destination...

But Journey in dark wood in full moon light..

Holding your...

That is important and romantic for me ...

Far away in that stream...

White lotus bloomed...

As like she is in love with this season...

Her sweet and melodious voice is spread all over the lake. When Samar heard the song, tear rolled down from his eyes. That lyrics was compose by him..

5 year ago..

A month passed Smrity became very good friend of Samar, Sweta and Samir. They always enjoy company of each other. Smrity usually talked less.

Samar started to like Smrity more. But Smrity have no feeling for him. She always talked to him casually.

As per Samir he also started to like her. He always make effort to make her talk. Samir started to suspect the girl in front him, is actually the girl whom he knows in his childhood.