Martial Skills and the Tournaments

Lei Long looked to his dorm: he had a bed, a bed stand and a mat for meditation. Lei long lived in a small-town and thought he was ready to see the world but now actually being here it was like he lived under a rock his entire life. Lei Long thought to himself "Master Shen, you are the one that taught me and gave me a chance to come here if anytime in the future he needs anything I will do it." Lei Long went back outside of his room when he saw Master Shen waiting outside "Sorry, Master Shen for keeping you waiting." Master Shen smiled and said, "I have to go, for now, I don't believe you have learned any martial art skills so here is 200 contribution points, good luck." Before Lei Long could say anything back he disappeared into the sunset. Lei Long already had skills that came from the inheritance of knowledge so he planned to use those. He walked into the room and sat down, closing his eyes he started going through the skils "Qi burst- a skill that allows one to send Qi out through the palms in bursts. Qi counter- a skill that allows the user to direct Qi to reflect other users attack, Qi rush- a skill that uses Qi to reinforce the legs allowing the user to run faster and levitate for small amounts of time..." There were many skills but they all were a simple attack, defense, and movement skills, Lei Long thought to himself "All these names are so bland..." Imagine he is starting a great battle the opponent shouts "Tiger Phantom Mountain Fist" or some insane name like that and Lei Long shouts "Qi counter". Lei Long didn't know these skills are the primordial way of using skills, the purest moveset, most sects have these skills but they are fake not like what Lei Long has. He started practicing all the skills, It took him a week until he practiced every single move he had received. It barely took any time because they were skills based around the movement of Qi around the body and also Lei Long's comprehension ability was so high that it didn't take long to learn the skills. Lei Long started decided "Okay since I learned these skills I should go to the arena and practice using them." He went outside to a building with the words "Arena Hall" He signed up for the outer disciple tournament that was taking place and waited for the start. The disciple around started talking "Hey guys I heard that Li Lin reached Qi Condensation stage 2 yesterday and announced she is gonna participate, you think she's gonna win?" Another disciple responded, "No way Li Shong already reached Qi condensation stage 2 and he probably has more experience since he has been at the stage longer." Another disciple chipped in as well "Remeber the kid that came with the Grandmaster last week, what do you think happened to him." This got a bunch of disciples starting to whisper, the grandmaster is a mysterious figure in the sect, there were many rumors about him and few actually knew who he really was. Lei Long looked around with a confused face and thought "Is Master Shen this popular?" A disciple that was at the gate when Lei Long and Master Shen found a face that looked familiar to the kid and shouted: "Wait, are you the one who was with Grandmaster?" Everyone looked where he was pointed at and saw a kid wearing the outer disciple clothing and the others who were at a gate quickly also shouted "That's Him!" and "I saw him too!" Lei Long didn't think he was popular until the crowd erupted. A middle age man walked onto the stage and shouted "Quiet down everyone we are going to start the tournament, I am Deacon Li and will be the referee for the tournament, we will start by drawing lots then when 4 people are left we will start the semi-finals and the winners for the semi-finals will move to the finals match, okay everyone received a number when signing up that is you stage number now please move fast so we can start." Lei Long checked his ticket and walked towards arena 6. There were several elders watching originally due to Li Lin and Li Shong but now they were interested in the kid who came with the Grandmaster." One of the elders started speaking "The patriarch said that if we see any activity from this kid whats his name, Lei Long, then we have to report it to the patriarch later, I don't understand why the grandmaster wouldn't pick someone from the noble families but choose some unknown kid from no one has heard of. If he chose someone from a Nobel family we could get a good standing and get back our pill makers." This elder was a Nobel so of course, he would want that. Actually, most of their elders were Nobels since they are the ones that get the most resources. Another elder chipped in "Let's watch this kid and see what he can do against his opponent. Right now his opponent is a kid from the Li family and is at Qi condensation stage 1." Deacon Wang counted down and said "All stage start." On Lei Long's stage Lei Long talked first "Hello, I am Lei Long and would like your advice." The opponent was on edge as he heard from the commotion that this kid and responded: "Sure, I am Li Gong, get ready I'm gonna attack." He started running forward while shouting "FIRE FIST" Red Qi started to cover his fist and the temperature of the stage started rising. Lei Long thought to himself "Why don't I try using soul power it seems powerful since Master Shen speaks highly of it." Using his eyes he started forming the Soul power in his eyes and directed it towards Li Gong. Lei Long didn't know how powerful the attack was going to be but when it hit Li Gong his ears and nose leaked blood as the attack dispersed and he fell face down. The elders on the side couldn't believe what they saw, Deacon Li ran towards the stage and checked Li Gong and announced: "Li Gong's condition is unknown, we will discuss the winner." Deacon Li gave an illicit stare at Lei Long, as a person from a Nobel family, when a commoner defeats one of their own it is like a challenge to the noble authority. Deacon Wang ran towards the Elders with Li Gong in his hands and handed him to one of the elders. After a minute the elder walked toward the stage. "Hello I am Elder Li Ping, we have found out that Li Gong has had his soul affected, making him a cripple, we will be punishing contestant Lei Long for malicious attack during a tournament on a fellow sect brother, if you have any defense you may say it now." The elder as he spoke got more and angrier as he spoke, clearly being biased. Lei Long spoke after a moment of silence "I didn't know it would be this powerful please take that into consideration." Hearing this Elder got even angrier and growled: "You will be set to get executed tomorrow, Take him to the Punishment hall." Nobody moved, the elder was about the shout when he noticed that everyone was looking behind him. He turned around and found Patriarch Wang with an extremely angry "Who is gonna execute who."