Nobel Corruption

Patriarch Wang asked again "Who is gonna execute who." Elder Li Ping started sweating "He purposely hurt this boy..." Before the elder could finish, Patriarch Wang spoke: "Stop saying this boy and say your grandson, will you?" Deacon Li couldn't take it anymore and shouted: "Even if they are related, he hurt Li Gong's soul!" The Patriarch got even angrier "HOW DARE A LITTLE DEACON SPEAK UP TOO ME IT SEEMS YOUR NOBEL CLANS ARE GETTING TO ARROGANT." The Deacon went through the same process as Li Gong, his ears and nose started bleeding when he collapsed. Before Elder Li could say anything Patriarch spoke again "If you elders still want to execute the Grandmaster's disciple go ahead." This time none of the elders moved except for Elder Li Ping as he said to the other elders "Come on you all know that he took an oath not to cause any more violence, he won't do anything right?" The other elder started discussing as well. Seeing this the Patriarch grabbed Lei Long and they teleported from everyone's sight to Patriarch Wang's home. Patriarch Wang sat down and chuckled "That's Brother Shen's disciple, already causing trouble and it's only been a week." Lei Long didn't know what to say, the entire time he had been surprised since the beginning, from him hurting Li Gong to almost getting executed. Lei Long finally said, "I didn't get the chance to practice my martial skills." Out of everything Lei Long could have said Patriarch Wang did not expect him to say that he started laughing wildly to himself "What, you really are Shen's disciple, well I know you have a question of why the elders and deacon all had the surname Li. Well as I said last time our Pill vendors were taken by the Elemental Dao Sect's Nobels, well here we also have our own Nobel problem in our Origin sect. They have infested this sect like the plague and most of the elders here want to dispose of me and replace me with their own Nobel sect Patriarch like the Elemental Dao Sect, the only thing stopping them is my cultivation, my control over the sect protection formation and Brother Shen's endorsement for me. I will keep you here for the next couple of days I would like to see them try and execute you." Lei Long thought for a while and responded: "I see we have quite a problem here, but I can't grow by sitting by and watch others fight my fights, I will take a few days to cultivate and get to a higher cultivation then go outside again." The patriarch was pleased, inwardly he would be disappointed if Lei Long just sat by and allowed the patriarch to baby him, fighting back against even stronger opponents and not bowing is a sign of a true genius. Patriarch Wang brought him to a room with an immense attraction of Qi causing Lei Long a little difficulty walking. Patriarch started explaining "This room is called the Spiritual Spring, it has a Spirit Qi vein under that attracts all the Qi around and condenses it for the person cultivating, it was very expensive but I will lend it to you for a couple of days." Lei Long didn't know how much of an honor it was for anybody other than the patriarch of the Origin sect, to use this room, there are only 2 other people who used this room other than the patriarchs, the grandmaster, and the Li clan great elder. Lei Long closed the door and sat down at the middle of the room and started cultivating. The Primordial Qi started to crazily flow, usually, the Qi would slowly form for easy absorption but the Creation Energy in the Qi was too overpowering, luckily before the Spring exploded, Lei Long, started directing it into his nose while running the Nadi Shodhana breathing technique, every time he breathes out the dirty Qi that was used to cleanse and replenish his body rushed out. Although the speed of his cultivation slowed dramatically from when he was in the Soul refinement realm, the speed was still super shocking. Outside the patriarch sealed his house and left towards the great hall for an emergency meeting called forward by of course the Li clan Origin sect elders. When Patriarch Wang walked in they all stood up and greeted him in a customary way, but there was a glint of disdain in their eyes as they said it. The Origin sect's great elder Li Hao started "We are here to discuss the issue of the Pill vendors, the beast horde rising in the east, and amount of disciple recruitments occurring. If an elder wants to bring an issue to the table now they may do so." Nobody except one elder raised his hand. Of course, that elder was Li Ping, he announced "I have an issue with the outer sect tournament that occurred today, during it a disciple maliciously struck another one crippling him, within my power as elder presiding over the tournament, I gave him the execution punishment but Patriarch interfered, I would like to get an explanation as my reason punishment was valid. I believe it is favoritism, which is against the Sect rules." The great-elder looked towards Patriarch Wang where he was mouthing Li Ping silently in a mocking way, like a child. The Great elder gave a fake cough and asked: "Hmmmhmm, Uh Patriarch Wang do you have anything to say about this?" Patriarch Wang just took out a paper with the words Outer Sect Tournament and under it said "Presiding judge: Patriarch Wang." When the Li family origin sect elders saw this they jumped up and thought to themselves "We made a whole plan to get this Wang brat punished and he ruined everything with erasing and putting his name." Patriarch Wang smiled as he spoke, "As far as I remember I am the Judge of this tournament and invited Li Ping to watch, when did you become the Judge, and I don't remember charging anyone with execution, I gave him the punishment of isolation for a week, Li Hao lets move on to the more important subjects." Li Hao gave Li Ping a hard stare as he thought "Idiot I thought you told me that you had a full proof plan to get the Patriarch in trouble but he made you look like an idiot making the Li clan lose face." Li Ping was terrified as he knew that he was in trouble when the meeting was over. Li Hao finally started with the main topics "For the Pill vender problem, our Li Clan is willing to lend some of our Pill clients if you can give 10 spirit fruits from your garden." The Patriarch eyebrows burrowed "No can do, you know that place is the one place no one can enter except me and Grandmaster, how can I take something out." The Great elder asked "We the Li clan have a lot of stakes in this sect so we need your cooperation, it is only 10 spirit fruits and then you can stock up the sect with so many pills you can't even count, right now our disciples are losing on every interaction with the Element Dao Sect, they have the Tang family backing them, with the complete integration of the Tang Family into the Elemental Dao sect they have gotten even more powerful, allowing better cooperation between the sect and clan. This would be great for our sect as well." Patriarch Wang unconsciously poked a hole in his seat in anger, calming down he said: "I will have to decide, can you replace the Spirit fruits with 10 hours in the Spiritual Spring." Patriarch Wang clenched his teeth as he made this offer, this was his last resort, the last thing he wanted was the sect to die under his rule because he wanted to selfishly c*ckblock a Noble Family." All the elders were surprised when they heard the offer especially the Grand elder as he had to give a lot to access the Spiritual Spring last time, he even broke through a couple of stages. The Grand Elder was essentially jumping by the offer "I think that can be arranged as long as Li Song gets her chance for 10 hours we will get the Pill vendors to make some partnerships with the sect." The meeting ended after taking a bit more, the Patriarch Sighed as he walked out looking into the sunset "Lei Long please save the sect."