The Eye of Creation

Lei Long was a little scared as he was getting chased in the beginning but after running a while the ape started to shrink to its original size and slow down, wrinkles also appeared on the apes face as it was apparent the ape aged. Lei Long suddenly turned around and launched a Qi burst at the ape and a palm print could be seen on the stomach of the ape as it fell down. The ape was finally dead and Lei Long sat down on the floor with sweat pouring out of all his sweat pores. "Whoa, It seems I have to get stronger or else even a simple Demon Beast will kill me before another person does." After a moment of rest, he got up and started to go even further into the forest. The reason he kept going further and further is that he felt something in the mountains behind the forest he was walking towards. It was faint but he felt a source of primordial Qi getting sent out when he was fleeing from Mountain Ape. After a while of walking, Lei Long reached the cave and felt the Primordial Qi residue much more prominent. Lei Long made his way into the cave where he was met with a giant golden doorway with symbols that he felt was connected to him. He lightly touched the doorway and the door blew open and a voice boomed inside the cave "Hello Descendant you have found your destiny follow the path." It was the same voice he heard when he awakened his cultivation, Lei Long had a feeling that if he followed the path he would get some answers. The room was relatively clean and new and it seemed that the door that sealed the room hasn't been opened before. The Pathway had a golden aura with the dominance of the Primordial Qi. Lei Long reached the end and found an old man that looked like a Lei Long sitting on a throne. Their eyes locked and it was pretty awkward for a bit and Lei Long finally said: "Aren't you supposed to say something about destiny, fate, etc?" The Old man looked like he woke up and said "I am your grandfather... I am so sorry, I couldn't save you then and I can't take care of you now. You must remember you were chosen as the Descendant of Creation and don't forget, this is your burden. When you get stronger go to the Heavenly Road and go to the Lei Clan by then you will know what to do." After finishing Lei Long's grandfather started to turn to dust and Lei Long fell on his knees as he whispered "Who am I, the only family I know died in front of me and I couldn't do anything. He just died, what the hell is going on, I have to get stronger faster or else I will never know what the hell is going on." Lei Long was pissed and depressed, who wouldn't be after watching the person who claims to be your grandfather and might have answers to your existence disappear in front of your eyes. As the last of the dust flew into the gust of wind the throne started to crack and burst open revealing an eye, Lei Long immediately felt that this was the source of the Primordial Qi he felt back then. He went up to it and all of a sudden the eye flew into Lei Long's right eye socket and merged. Primordial Qi surged inside Lei Long as the eye started to integrate into his body. The pain was immeasurable and Lei Long passed out in the cave. After almost a day Lei Long finally woke up, the pain subsided but what Lei Long was most fascinated by was the eye he had received. Lei Long tested it out and found out that there was a little empty pocket of space where he could store physical thing in, it could send stuff 6 feet away into the pocket dimension. Lei Long thought to himself "Only the richest cultivators could get a spatial device and now I have a hidden one, this will be helpful." The next thing he tried was using his Soul Power and when he sent it the air around got distorted. Lei Long was shocked as Soul Power was only supposed to affect the soul plane and couldn't affect the physical plane of existence meaning, it wasn't simply Soul Power anymore, Lei Long called the new energy Primordial energy and he called the eye, the eye of creation as that was what he heard faintly before he passed out. The next benefit he got was the filling of his Dantain with Primordial Qi when he merged with the eye of creation. He knew that he could sit down anytime and Core Formation Realm anytime but held out due to a feeling that he would hurt himself if he made the breakthrough then. Lei Long got up after testing the eye and was halfway back to the Origin Sect Post when he was stopped by 2 disciples with the core formation realm. They asked, "Are you, Lei Long." Lei Long answered, "Yes, what's it to you. 1 of the disciples got mad when he saw Lei Long's laid-back appearance and shouted: "I AM A INNER DISCIPLE, and we will have to kill you now due to an elders order now please die." There were very few Inner disciples and they needed to be at Core formation Realm and there were only 10 Core Disciples as they needed to be Core Refinement Realm, so everyone above Outer Disciple was geniuses for the sect. Lei Long didn't even give a warning, his eye was now blood red and it sent the Primordial Energy towards the 2 disciples, they didn't get a chance to fight back and with the flash of his eyes, 2 Core formation cultivators died. If others knew that a Qi Condensation cultivator beat 2 Core Formation cultivators with the flash of his eyes they would probably think "Does genius even fulfill its purpose for him." Even if a person was a Peak Qi Condensation, the difference was just too big, the core of elemental Qi adds such a power advantage that Qi condensation cultivators couldn't beat unless using secret methods, like Lei Long. Lei Long took their pouches and stored it in his eye dimension and left. He started running back to the sect and didn't care about the 2 people he just killed.