
Lei Long reached the sect gate and went to the sect shop pavillion which has weapons, pills, skills, and other items. Lei Long walked inside and gave all the beast skin he acquired while in the forest. The clerk took the beast skin and exchanged them for sect contribution points.

After receiving the points Lei Long walked towards Patriarch Wang House. When Lei Long reached the house, he found Patriarch Wang sitting outside with a frown on his face. He noticed Lei Long walking towards him and his frown somewhat disappeared "Lei Long, how are you doing, how was your trip, wait for you aura... are you at peak Qi Condensation." Patriarch Wang was surprised to see Lei Long already increasing his cultivation, "Its seems you have had a fortunate encounter."

Lei Long nodded his head but didn't elaborate. Patriarch Wang didn't seem to mind, suddenly Lei Long asked: "Can I use the Spiritual Spring to make my breakthrough?" Patriarch Wang smiled "Last time you used it the spiritual spring was almost sucked dry, it has recuperated now but after your breakthrough this time, I'm gonna need to put a limit on you." Patriarch Wang put the survival of the entire sect on Lei Long's shoulders and so any resources or help that doesn't make Lei Long a center of attention for the elders, he would give it. Lei Long walked inside the room and Patriarch Wang sealed it like last time.

The room started filling up with primordial Qi, and a tiny golden ball started to form in Lei Long's Dantain. For the next week, the ball kept expanding until it stopped. Inside his Dantain it looked like the golden core looked like the sun. After it formed a series of "bangs" were heard all over Lei Long's body and he passed out immediately after.

Lei Long woke up, it has been 2 weeks he has been up here and his core expanded even further, currently, he was at Core Formation Stage 2. He looked around and the room was almost devoid of any Qi, meaning he sucked it all up. Lei Long also felt his skin was different, it felt more durable like has muscles and bones felt when he reached Qi Condensation Realm. Lei Long walked outside and found Patriarch Wang, he looked like he had no sleep for a long time. But the problem is cultivators at higher realms don't need sleep, so this was most likely something else.

Lei Long ran up to Patriarch Wang and asked: "What happened, you look completely devoid of Qi... did you fight someone?" Patriarch Wang looked over and smiled "Lei Long right now, you are the sects only hope, take this ring, it contains all the sects secret treasure. I have been crippled by the Li Clan. They staged a coup against me, the Li Clan wanted me to compromise a deal for some pill vendors they used this as leverage and bought a strong cultivator... they managed to cripple me, although I can recover with certain medications. I believe they won't give me the chance to recover. Lei Long leave quickly, they didn't know you were here, they will come back here to check on me and if they find you... just leave."

Lei Long was shocked "The Li Clan actually dared betray the sect patriarch, and I have to save the sect..." Lei Long didn't know if he should leave Patriarch Wang or stay and help him. His indecision stopped when Patirach Wang kowtowed to Lei Long begging "Please leave, they won't kill me yet, they want the secret treasures, go now or else I will really die." Lei Long quickly lifted Patriarch Wang and promised: "I will get revenge for you, and I will save the sect."

After saying this Lei Long left through a secret tunnel that led from the house to the sect. Shortly after 2, Li Clan elders walked into the house to find Patriarch Wang dead on the floor with a knife wound through his neck.

The sect leadership was thrown into chaos, all the elders and deacons who supported Patrarich Wang were in a frenzy, while the Li Clan elders and deacons were similarly in chaos as they were afraid of Master Shen or other people learning of Wang's death and coming to avenge them, but all these affairs were kept at the top levels of the sect. All the inner and outer disciples had no knowledge of these affairs, except for Lei Long who recently got a promotion to inner disciple. Hatred ran through his body, although he didn't know Patriarch Wang was dead he was still mad at the Li Clan for betraying his master sworn brother.

Lei Long wanted to get revenge for the sect, but first, he needed to get stronger to make an influence. Lei Long couldn't use the sect treasures or it would get exposed, he already hid the ring in his eye dimension so it wouldn't be found on his person. He walked into the Shop Pavillion and went towards the weapons vault. After making his rounds he found peculiar weapons, it was a blacks scythe, but it was different and more mysterious than all the other. Lei Long decided to get it, he used 150 contribution points and the man running the weapons vault asked: "That's scythe hasn't been picked by anyone since the start of the sect, most people pick swords or spears, why did you choose this." Lei Long didn't say anything and simply shrug his shoulders.

Lei Long left towards his assigned room and thought to himself "Only by reaching Core Refinement will I be able to make a difference." Before Lei Long could make it to his room, a group of people with the "Punishment Hall" badge walked in front of him. The kid at the front looked at Lei Long disdainfully and spoke: "You will come with us for an investigation against the killing of 2 inner disciples." Lei Long sighed "It has come to bite me in the end, hasn't it. This won't be easy without Patriarch Wang... Master Shen, where are you?"