Punishment For What?

Lei Long wasn't scared about facing the disciples, what he was worried about was the elder who ordered the Punishment Hall to capture him.

Lei Long learned from Patriarch Wang that the Punishment Hall elder is a Li Clan member, it was part of a deal they made some time ago, the Li clan gave the Origin Sect support while the Li Clan gets their own member as the Punishment Halls elder. His name is Li Bao and is the 3rd strongest person in the entire sect with a cultivation of late-stage Core Refinement.

Although Lei Long was unwilling, he wasn't a match with the elder and followed the disciples to a building with the words "Punishment Hall".

All the disciples had haughty faces as most of them were geniuses in their own realms. Lei Long rolled his eyes and kept following the disciples.

Lei Long was directed into an office with an elder man inside it. The elder man looked at Lei Long with a face of both disdain and disgust "My name is Elder Bao, I am the elder of the punishment hall, we have done an investigation to the murder of 2 inner disciples, you are the prime suspect and you will be investigated to the full extent."

Lei Long gave a blank face and said: "How were the 2 disciples killed, Elder Bao?"

Elder Bao gave a weird face of, what is this kid trying to do, but he answered: "They were both injured by an invisible attack."

Lei Long then responded, "When was the time of their deaths?"

Elder Bao became even more suspicious, "About 2 weeks ago."

Lei Long then said, "About 2 weeks ago I was at Peak Qi Condensation, how would I be able to take out 2 core disciples? On top of that I have the fire element, how would I be able to use an invisible attack, to kill them?" Lei Long then activated the Fire Qi and fire appeared on his hand.

Elder Bao's face distorted, he knew Lei Long was lying because he was enquired by Elder Li Ping about the attempted assassination, but the 2 inner disciples were found dead. On the other hand, everything Lei Long just said was true, he confirmed it with everyone.

People who saw Lei Long going back to the Sect saw Lei Long at Peak Qi Condensation and Lei Long's file says that he possess Fire Qi as Lei Long just demonstrated meaning that he couldn't have made an invisible attack.

Elder Bao's head was trying to find a possibility, any possibility. Then Elder Bao thought of something. He started explaining "We have reason to suspect that you might have used a treasure that Grandmaster Shen has given you. As his disciple would he leave you unarmed like that."

Lei Long smiled at this attempt and said: "You can search my body and my room I have no treasure on me."

Elder Bao got suspicious at this moment "Could It be that he doesn't have a treasure, no it's the only thing that makes sense."

Elder Bao directed some disciples to go check everywhere in and around Lei Long's room and he personally checked Lei Long up and down to find anything suspicious.

Elder Bao finished searching Lei Long for any traces of the treasure and found nothing, a while later the disciples came back and reported they found nothing, Lei Long snickered under his breath and Elder Bao was wracking his brain on how this was possible "He must have something, but Brother Ping asked me to get rid of this brat... the Patriarch is dead so why should I hold back trying to get evidence, let me just execute him." Elder Bao was adamant on punishing Lei Long because Li Ping was his younger brother, and his younger brothers grandson got injured by this brat so of course, he would get revenge.

Elder Bao looked at Lei Long with a malicious stared, he then announced: "Lei Long, you will be executed tomorrow morning as your punishment."

Lei Long was outraged when he heard this "Punishment for what?"

Elder Bao was already set on executing Lei Long and said: "On the grounds of me saying so, what can a regular inner disciple do about it." After saying this Elder Bao called in 2 disciples and directed him into a jail cell.

Lei Long this time wasn't as laid back as before. The disciples were about to throw Lei Long into the jail when his eye turned blood red. Elder Bao was in his office patting his back, praising himself about getting Lei Long into jail so he didn't know the Lei Long was about to escape.

Lei Long used his eye of creation and sent primordial energy to kill both the disciples.

They collapsed since they were only outer disciples in Qi Condensation Realm, against the Primordial Energy it was an instakill.

Lei Long took the Punishment Hall badge from one of the bodies and ran out of the building as fast as possible. None of the people stopped him as they saw the punishment hall badge on him and no one knew that Lei Long was a prisoner. Lei Long ran as fast as possible towards the exit of the sect and thought "I will be back, and I will get my revenge on the entire Li Clan."