New Opportunity

Fleeing the sect was easy as the guards only checked for disciple badges when walking in or out. Lei Long run back to his previous city, Ye Clan city.

Lei Long had known that he couldn't stay in the sect anymore and the sect didn't have any background check on Lei Long since he joined through a back channel. Lei Long wanted revenge on the Ye Clan anyways so why not do it now since he has a higher cultivation than their entire clan. At the tournament, the Ye clan patriarch had the cultivation of 8 stage Qi Condensation.

On his way to Ye Clan City, he crossed a town called Longhai. Lei Long was tired since he walked for a day straight and walked into a restaurant. He didn't need to eat since he became a Core Formation cultivator and they can nourish their bodies with Qi but he felt like tasting food again.

The restaurant was full of people and Lei Long was wondering what was going on. Using soul power he listened in on a group of Qi Condensation adventurers.

A burly man started talking "The city lord is giving 1000 gold coins for the killing of the beast causing the volcano nearby to shake."

Another shorted man responded "Yea but people aren't here for the money, but the heavenly yuan fruit and heavenly in fruit. It allows a person above Core Refinement Realm to gain an extra attribute to their cores, the Yuan and Yin attributes."

The more refined man in the corner looked shocked "What, with both the Yang and Yin attributes the person would be so powerful, how could such a fruit be found in such a small town."

The burly man explained "Yes, that is why the Sects and Clans aren't here yet, they probably just got news of this and are scrambling to run here, and they are probably trying to stall each other. Too bad only people with fire Qi can enter they volcano because it is too hot."

Lei Long got up and ran towards the volcano, he thought to himself "If I can get there before the other powerhouses, I can get this fruit for myself..."

Lei Long had knowledge of something called Void Qi, which canceled all attributed Qi. Lei Long wasn't powerful enough to make Void Qi but could currently make Null Qi which was downgraded but still excellent for this mission.

Lei Long used Qi Rush and in an instant closed in on the volcano. Lei Long was confused "Why would anyone build a town right next to this humongous Volcano?" Lei Long didn't think too much about it and entered the volcano through a cave on the side.

Lei Long didn't take any chances and activated the Null Qi he converted. The primordial Qi lake in his Dantain had a constant flow of Qi since the core constantly took in Qi from the surroundings. Essentially as long as he is doing small tasks with Qi, not a giant martial art skill, it would now be an infinite source.

The Null Qi blocked all the harmful Fire Qi penetrating under his clothing. Lei Long used Qi Rush to reach the peak of the volcano and was met with a powerful beast.

It was the 9-tail Flame Fox, it had fur that looked like fire and 9 tails swinging around with lots of power. Behind the Fox was 2 fruits, 1 that was red and 1 that was blue, they were the Heavenly Yang and Yin Fruit.

Lei Long didn't take any chances again and took out the scythe he got from the Weapons shop. The Fox growled at Lei Long's aggressive actions and started its first attack.

The Fox ran towards Lei Long and tried to headbutt him but Lei Long was a little quicker, he activated Qi Rush and dodged the headbutt. He then countered and used Qi Burst with the scythe and chopped down, slicing the beasts back in the process.

The Flame Fox got enraged that it had been injured and it started using its Qi, flames built up around its body as its aura grew slowly, more and more powerful.

Lei Long knew that he had to defeat the fox as soon as possible before the other people got to the Longhai. This time Lei Long took the initiative and attacked with his Eye of Creation and sent a wave of both Soul and Primordial Energy towards the Flame Fox.

The Flame Fox tried to struggle against the invisible energy but couldn't deal with both the energies attacking it causing it to pass out after 10 minutes.

Lei Long was completely drained, activating both Soul and Primordial Energy cost a bit of his vitality but he knew me had to get the fruits out as soon as possible. He also couldn't kill the fox no matter how hard he tried and decided to tire it out. The fox was just too powerful. Lei Long didn't have a need for the gold coins so he grabbed fruits and left the volcano leaving afterimages behind him.

Lei Long thought about the Eye of Creation and decided "Every time I used the Eye Of Creation is currently taking too much energy and sometimes vitality against stronger enemies, I will only use the Eye on weaker opponents for now or else I will pay later. When I am stronger I will be able to use it more freely on any opponent."

Lei Long couldn't go too far away because he was too tired and found a cave that was relatively reclusive. He sealed the entrance with a boulder and recovered himself.

30 minutes after Lei Long fought out the Flame Fox and took the fruits, the Fox woke up and found the fruits missing. It growled and howled so loud that it could be heard till Longhai and beyond. The same time elders and disciples with the Origin Sect flag and with the Elemental Dao flag showed up at the volcano.

Immediately everyone started running up the mountain, fighting, stealing, murder, etc. All kinds of heinous acts occurred and even backstabbing from the same sect occurred to make sure they can get the fruit. It was absolute chaos, that was until the 2 most powerful elders, who were at stage 5 Core Formation realm, reached the top of the volcano and screamed. The disciples were all confused and stopped fighting, together they went to the top and found the 2 elders bloodied with the 9-tail Flame Fox attacking them. The fox had blood red eyes as if its family was murdered right in front of it.

One of the disciples looked around and shouted: "THERE IS NO HEAVENLY FRUIT HERE!!!"

The other disciples also started searching while the elders distracted the fox and also found nothing. They had no idea that the person who took it was at Core Foundation Stage 2 and was currently about to take the fruit that cultivators could only dream they could have.