The Horrors Committed by the Bao Family 4

Qing Wei lifted the knife, and her hands trembled as she brought it down. Looking at the disgusting man before her, Qing Wei screamed out her grievances as tears fell.

Bai Ling thought that she was going to go through with stabbing him, but Qing Wei stopped.

"I...can't do it." Qing Wei dropped her hands to her side, the knife barely hanging in her fingertips. Bai Ling came to stand before her.

"You can't or you won't?" Qing Wei shook her head. Bai Ling rolled her eyes then held her chin. The two looked at each other in the eye. "That," Bai Ling shook her head "is not an answer. Is it that you can't or won't do it."

"I can't do it..."

"Even after knowing the things he did? He killed people, hurt little kids and almost touched you. Yet you still can't do it?" Qing Wei hung her head ashamed.

Bai Ling wanted to understand her, maybe it was the face, but she didn't have the patience. She reached to Qing Wei's hand that held the knife and made her grip the knife harder.

"You're going to have to do it. What are you going to do if or when someone else tries to do this again? Are you not going to defend yourself?" Bai Ling wanted to give her some food for thought. People like Bao Ding were as retched as they came.


"Tell me. If another man or woman, tries to violate your space again, are you going to sit there and take it?" Bai Ling pointed at the drooping head of Bao Ding. "Unlike you, who cannot bear to kill him, he was prepared to kill you; you don't know it! Not physically, but here." Bai Ling touched the spot where Qing Wei's heart laid.

Qing Wei teared up after seeing the fierceness in Bai Ling's eyes as well as understanding. Why would someone so strong look like this.

"It is a scar that will be on your soul as long as you live. This man does not deserve to be a burden you bear going on to the future. Kill him now and let it die here."

Qing Wei gripped the knife in her hand. She felt her stomach churn at Bai Ling's words. She was about to kill someone. Would Du Lin think less of her now? No!

He himself wanted to kill this man for her. Now she had the opportunity not to have his hands soiled. She knew if he succeeded tonight, she might have become his concubine. This thought alone made Qing Wei realize how Bao Ding almost ruined her life.

She almost lost her chance to be with her fiance. No matter how understanding Du Lin was, even he would be disgusted with a fiance who laid with her own father.

This alone was something Qing Wei couldn't forgive.

Before Bai Ling could further convince her, Qing Wei rushed forward as if possessed and plunged the knife in Bao Ding's heart. Bao Ding jerked awake at the sudden pain, and the last image he saw was of Qing Wei sneering at him.

He couldn't even air his grievances before he perished.

Bai Ling clapped slowly with approval written all over her face. She didn't think she had the courage to do it.

"Well done, it gets easier to kill scumbags in the future." Qing Wei shuddered at this sentence. In the future? What did this woman mean by that?

"I know this is late, but who are you?" Bai Ling forgot all about introductions in the mess of things.

"Just call me..."

[Don't tell her your real name. We don't know if we can trust these people yet!]

Xiao Bao's reminder sobered Bai Ling up. "Call me Xia Li."

[That's all you could come up with? What a way to praise yourself.]

The Xia in her name meant grand, and the Li meant beauty. Basically, Bai Ling took the chance to boost herself. If others took the name, they would have been looked down upon, but this time, the name matched the visage.

Qing Wei didn't realize that Bai Ling got scolded for this. She looked to the side and got uncomfortable with the aggrieved look Bao Ding had on his face.

"What are we going to do now?" Qing Wei was nervous about her future. She couldn't settle down since she killed her own master. If word got out, only death awaited her. She started to worry about the future now. How could she listen to a strange woman?

"Don't worry about that." Bai Ling used her flame and seared Bao Ding's head off his body. The smell of charred flesh filled the room, disgusting the two girls. The head rolled at Bai Ling's feet, and without reservations, she plucked it up from the floor.

"Give me the next head." Qing Wei reluctantly took up the other head and handed it to Bai Ling. "Good. Is there any way to bring back the soldiers?"

Qing, Wei nodded. "Yes, we have a bell system that we can use." Bai Ling used her link with Xiao Bao to reach out to him.

'Xiao Bao, I know you've finished eating. Reform the array, so everyone in the manor moves to the central courtyard. We are about to have a family meeting.'

Xiao Bao was still on the roof watching as the servants, concubines and guards who came to check patrol got sucked into the array. They had a dazed look on their faces as they went around in circles.

The array Xiao Bao placed on the manor was a dream array. He made them dream about everything they desired in life. This was an easy way to control them and have them willingly fall under the influence of the array.

Before long, everyone in the manor started to head to the main courtyard with a dazed look. Xiao Bao notified Bai Ling about this, and she left Bao Ding's room with the two heads.

"It's time to have some fun!" Bai Ling smiled brightly as she skipped towards the courtyard with a baffled Qing Wei rushing along.