The Horrors Committed by the Bao Family 5

When Bai Ling arrived at the courtyard, everyone was standing still. They couldn't acknowledge her presence, so Bai Ling took the time to prepare.

"Xiao Bao, give me a chair." Qing Wei wondered who Bai Ling was talking to when a grand throne appeared before the crowd. Bai Ling went to sit as if it was normal for this to happen. "Go ring the bell." Qing Wei knew she was the one Bai Ling spoke to and left.

When she was walking away, she realized she was not affected by what was happening. She finally understood how powerful the girl she left behind was.

Back at the courtyard, Bai Ling was asking Xiao Bao for more things. Although Xiao Bao can make stuff appear, it was not a permanent thing. It was him borrowing the natural resources of the earth to form things. He didn't have the power to make them last, but they could last for a short while.

Even knowing this, Bai Ling wanted to show a grand scene to her future subordinates.

[Wanting to put on appearances now. Hurry up with you schemes!]

Bai Ling smiled in her head at his ridicule.

'After Qing Wei rings the bell and brings the soldiers back, lift the array. If anyone challenges me, you know what to do. I'm so excited Xiao Bao; we are about to strike it big.'

Bai Ling was right. If she successfully took over Bao Ding's estate, she would have resources needed to start her journey. Although her innate talent was good, if she stayed at the Pavillion where they wanted to suppress her, she would miss the prime of her youth.

The bell sounded out in the quite villa and travelled throughout the town. The men from Bao Ding's army knew their master was calling them back.

Bai Ling took both of the heads out of the wrappings and placed them under her feet. Their faces were turned away from the group so they wouldn't see who it was.

[Such vulgar actions.] Sometimes Xiao Bao talked as if he was an elder, but despite his appearance; Bai Ling remembered he was.

Bai Ling ignored his disdain, too excited at the riches about to fall in her lap.

"So what? It's not like I need to impress anybody." Looking at the shameless Bai Ling, Xiao Bao didn't know how she became so twisted in the last six months.

The more she grew stronger, the more she cared less about people and more about profits. Bai Ling often told him that riches wouldn't hurt her, but people do.

That was why she had no friends even till now. She was almost fourteen but still a loner.

When the resounding steps of the army entered the manor, Bai Ling straightened herself. The soldiers at the entrance walked into the manor, not yet aware of the situation inside.

One by one, they fell into the array and subconsciously came to the courtyard. When Qing Wei came back to Bai Ling's side, she saw the groups of soldiers coming into the courtyard as if hypnotised.

Qing Wei's fiance Du Lin, lead the group overall, and Bai Ling told Xiao Bao to bring him to the front. With the soldiers, all the residents of the Bao Manor were present.

From the servants, concubines, main wife, and the young kids kept captive in the manor. Every soul residing there was present.

"Okay Xiao Bao, release them."

With that command, everyone in the courtyard came back to themselves.

"You're all awake." Bai Ling's arrogant appearance was the first thing they all saw. She was seated on a golden throne with her right hand under her chin, a lazy charm to her posture.

"Welcome to Xia Manor." Everyone looked around, confused and wondered what was happening.

The main wife, Han FeiFei, spoke out. "What is the meaning of this? Why is everyone out here in the main courtyard?" Seeing the servants' puzzled look, Han FeiFei was angrier.

"Why are you low lives here? Get back to your stations!" No one moved since the whole situation threw them off. Some frowned at Han FeiFei's words while others didn't dare to show their disdain.

"Why aren't you moving?" Bai Ling was sick of her parading around like a peacock.

"Enough out of you." With a simple flick of a hand, flames appeared around Han FeiFei's mouth and charred it. Her screams were even louder, and Bai Ling regretted being so impulsive.

"Xiao Bao shut her up!" Xiao Bao was just as annoyed, so he did as instructed. Han feiFei's mute screams served to sober up the audience. They were now wary of the seemingly young girl before them.

Bai Ling sat up and crossed her legs.

"None of you knows me, and some never will. I am going to give you a choice here. Serve me or die. Saying this, the choice goes to everyone except the wives of the manor."

This explosive, domineering statement shook everyone present. One thought going through everyone's mind. Bao Manor's reign of terror was over.

Bai Ling knew they would be taken back by such an imposing aura, so she gave then a few seconds to gather themselves.

She then continued. "I am not asking your permission, just notifying you." Bai Ling looked at the soldiers who were mostly to her right.

"You lot, drag the concubines before me and place them in a line." The men did not move, admittingly uncomfortable being ordered around by a lady they knew nothing of.

Seeing their slow response, Bai Ling raised an eyebrow.

"Did I stutter?" No one moved again. "Very well then, I suppose you lot are shocked still." Bai Ling kicked the head of Bao Ming forward, attracting everyone's attention.

Gasps of horror were heard all around.

"Here is to show how serious I am. I have long killed the pathetic young master you were searching for." The blackened head of Bao Ming successfully stirred everyone present. Some had to turn away and empty their stomachs at the sight of the head.

They were already this shaken when Bai Ling was not finished. She kicked the next head. Bao Ding's agonized expression served to show how much pain he was in when he died.

"This is the master you all served. Now, I am the new head of this manor. When I say over, you move!" Her voice thundered throughout the yard, and without delay, the concubines were brought before her.

They whimpered and cried, feeling the end of their life coming.

Bai Ling took the first one up by her hair and sat back in the seat. She knew her face as one of the concubines who caused the most miscarriages for the other women. She, like the others, had her fair hair of young children in her secret harem.

After touching her face, Bai Ling saw that most of the young girls here were to her preference.

"Please! Spare my life!" Bai Ling sat back and laughed at her attempt at begging.

"Did you think of letting those young girls off?" The few of the girls who were her victims there looked at Bai Ling in shocked. Was that why this lady wanted the concubines?

Everyone present knew that apart from the two masters, every concubine in the manor had lewd dealings. The common dealings were with young children. Since the Bao Family was the richest merchants in the imperial capital, they had enough money to steal kids from their home and not get caught by authorities.

In the end, money ruled all among the common folk.

"Don't even bother to beg. I don't plan on sparing you." Bai Ling took this chance to make her intentions clear. "You all will call me Xia Li; I am your new mistress. All the previous dealings that happened with the masters of this family will seize right now."

Bai Ling summoned a fire dagger in her hand. She placed it by the first of the seven concubine's neck. She ignored the agonized screams from the woman. "Let this be an example to those who even think of harming these young kids again."

Bai Ling sliced her neck, and when the dagger went deep enough, she stopped. Many turned away from the bloody, gory sight.