Shu Kongxu

Qai felt that the sage elder would never leave the remains of a valuable prey had he survive the fight.

So he figured out that the elder must either be holding on for his life or is actually lying dead somewhere. That was why he kept on looking.

Then, few hours passed.

Realizing that the sun was already setting, Qai finally decided to give up looking and walked his way towards home.

But not long after taking a couple of steps, a strong burst of Wind aura suddendly circled around and hovered over the battlefield before it quickly dissipated in the air.


It looked like a a quick tornado just passed by.

Qai glanced towards the source of the aura and quickly realized that it was under a pile of large tree trunks.

He immediately ran towards the location and immediately removed the stacked tree trunks. And after few moments, lo and behold, he found the dead body of the sage elder.

'It was a tie after all,' he said to himself upon realizing that the fight ended up in a draw with both fighters dead.

Without a doubt, that strong burst of wind was the last sign of the sage cultivator's life. And now it's gone.

Realizing that recovery was already out of the question, Qai shamelessly picked up the storage ring of the elder before he buried the dead body just beside where he buried the remains of the Wind white tiger.

Thereafter, Qai paid some respects to the dead bodies before departing his way home.


Right at that very moment, Qinlun was giving birth to her first child with the help of Shu Ling and Shu Liang back in one of the rooms in the Shu family's plateau.

The expectant father,Shu Wu, meanwhile, together with the expectant grandfather, Shu Wei, were both anxiously waiting just outside the room.

And so finally, after few hours of hard labor, a baby boy was born.

"Uwwaaaaaah, uwaaaaaah," a large cry echoed all over the plateau.

"Congratulations my son," Shu Wei said as he grabbed Shu Wu's shoulders.

The father and son duo were still all smiles and tears when all of a sudden a voice called.

"You two may come in now," Shu Ling melodiously shouted.

The duo hurriedly went inside to witness the birth of another Shu child in the family.

"Ha ha ha ha..," Shu Wei happily laughed, "..I can't believe I'm a grandfather now.. our Shu family just got bigger."

"Father..," the 10 year old girl Shu Liang intercepted. "Why does it feel like you're even happier than big brother Wu?"

Everyone laughed at the innocent remarks of the young girl.

'Now that I think about it, Qai seems to have a good foresight,' Shu Wei thought.

He looked around as if he was checking each and every one in front of him.

'Hmmm,' he said to himself. 'Starting a clan is not a bad thing after all!'

"Anyway, what would you name him son?" the head of the family asked his eldest son, Shu Wu, the all important question.

"Kongxu," Shu Wu answered.

"He's name shall be Shu Kongxu!" Qinlun followed.

Shu Wei's face obviously showed an expression of surprise at the quick reply.

"Me and Qinlun have long decided for his name..," Shu Wu quickly added. "..hoping that he's gonna bring our family great fortune."

"Great, great," Shu Wei said. "What a fine name!"


The door slammed all of a sudden. And everyone inside the room quickly turned their gaze towards the door as the sound was followed with a greeting.

"Congratulations Big Brother!"

It was Qai.

And he went straight to the room from training together with the black-colored tiger cub.

They all looked at him with eyes wide open.

Everyone was undoubtedly surprised—not because of the sudden appearance of the young Qai nor because of the black-colored tiger cub.

"Qai," the mother Shu Ling called, "your cultivation!?"

They were surprised to see Qai leapt from just awakening his elemental affinity few days earlier to a sudden mid Earth stage. And it all just happened in just a week.

"Ha ha ha ha.. not bad," Shu Wei excitedly yelled.

"This calls for a double celebration!"