Soaring Sky Palace

Up ahead the mountains, several ruins of the great Soaring Sky Sect could actually be found—and one of those that remained intact was the very palace of the sect head.

The entire mountainous region was actually covered with thick fog, making the exact location of the former sect in the wasteland difficult to find.

And along the way towards the said palace, several species of demonic beasts lurked around hiding through the fog.


It had already been a little less than a couple of weeks since the spatial gate had been opened, and so far no specific valuable treasure was unearthed from the Desolate Wasteland.

However, news that the Soaring Sky Sect's location could be found within the mountainous region, spread quickly among the participating cultivators. As a result, most of the them proceeded in haste to the area—not wanting to be left out of any treasure that could be found.

Meanwhile, the Black Shadow group together with the Mo Clan members started to ambush some wealthy teams along their way. And as agreed, they split the loot evenly into two.

But since Mo Shui, Hao Ren and Lin Qiao couldn't let the reputation of Mo Clan get tarnished with what they were doing, they covered their faces with disguise.

At one time, the three Mo Clan members simply aided the Teng Hu and his group in cornering their target and didn't involve themselves in any attack—which ultimately didn't sit well with the Black Shadow members.

But Teng Hu pacified his members in that incident and told them to let it pass since their ultimate goal was to get their help to hoard all the treasures they could find and eliminate the Mo Clan team in the process.

Eversince the Mo Clan first team split into two, there had been no communication between them—the Shu siblings only relied with their senses from afar in order keep up with the pace while staying hidden.

So all those times where the two groups worked together, the Shu siblings were on the alert—watching if there would be any untoward incident within the formed collaboration between Black Shadow and Mo Clan.


When the Black Shadow and Mo Clan were nearing the peak of the mountains, Qai thought of going up ahead and set up their own ambush.

"I don't think those bastards will do any treacherous tricks at this point," he told his big sister.

Shu Liang couldn't agree more. She felt that it was possible that some other group could reach the peak earlier than them.

"We better hurry and check what's up ahead..," Qai added, "..and set up our positions way before they get there."

"We have to be careful though," Shu Liang said in response. "Some other teams might be there already."

Qai nodded in reply.

And so without much further dawdle, the two together with Shandian and the infant wild apes, went in haste towards the peak of the mountain.


Upon reaching the top of the mountain, the fog cleared right before the very eyes of the Black Shadow and Mo Clan participants.

From there, several ruins of the former Soaring Sky Sect appeared. Upon entry however, one could no longer tell what building was before one's sight as signs that the great war took place in the area were evident.

The only edifice that stood tall in the midst of ruins was the very building at the center of the area—the sect head's palace.

And so, when the Black Shadow and Mo Clan members saw the Soaring Sky palace, they already understood that there was no need for them to check the rest of the ruins—they immediately set their steps hurriedly towards the building.

But when they got there, there were already few groups gathered before the entrance—two of whom were from the Purple Mist Sect disciples while others were from some renowned big clans.

Mo Shui and her Mo Clan team members immediately saw the Shu siblings among the small crowd—although they actually pretended not to notice.

The reason for the mini gathering was that the palace itself was protected by a formation barrier; and none couldn't figure out how to unseal it.

The formation was of course not of the same level with the one made by Divine realm cultivators. This time, it was a formation of much lesser degree and apparently created only to protect the palace from outer attacks.

Those already gathered had earlier tried to break the formation by brute force but it was to no avail—so they were actually waiting for some more cultivators to increase their fire power.

"The Mo Clan is here," one of the crowd yelled.

"Maybe we can try to attack it again with their help," another one remarked.