Rune Formation Plate

"What's the commotion around here?" Teng Hu arrogantly rebuked once he set his foot before the entrance of the palace.

Many of those gathered sized up who was the cultivatore who just spoke. They apparently had no idea he was the leader of the group which stirred a lot of ruckus in the Wasteland with their treacherous antics. But when they saw him arrived with the Mo Clan group, they discerened that he must be one of them.

"There's a barrier protecting the palace," one of the cultivators replied.

"We already tried to attack it.. it's tough," another one said.

"Ha ha," Teng Hu sarcastically chuckled. "If I say I have a way to open it, will you let me and my team go in ahead of everyone?"

Nobody answered.

That idea was supposed to be out of a question since many of them were there earlier than them. No one wanted to give way—but they could say no either especially now that someone had claimed a way to break the seal.

"Wait," a disciple of the Purple Mist Sect exclaimed.

Another group from the sect arrived making the gathering dominated by the presence of sect disciples.

"Don't waste your time," he said. "We'll break the formation.. and our sect disciples will get in first.. the rest of you can come in next after a quarter of an hour."

"Oi oi, don't be too greedy.." Teng Hu said.

He was obviously not done with his verbal attacks when one of the Purple Mist Sect disciples immediately rebuked him.

"And how are you suppose to break the formation yourself?" The disciple sarcastically asked.

Teng Hu of course didn't truly have any means to break the barrier. He simply said he had one to create more confusion among the crowd. So Teng Hu was left into silence with the question.

"Why would I tell you?" he asked in reply. "You've been here for god knows how long and yet you were not able to do anything," Teng Hu added in jest.

"That's bullshit," the sect disciple yelled.

Everyone watching the drama unfold could not patiently wait to see a fight break lose but the sect disciples were very composed trying to maintain their demeanor and reputation.

"Let's wait for our final group to arrive and you'll see..," the sect disciple said.


Qai who was also in the sidelines watched the scene. He was deep inside laughing at the stupidity of Teng Hu.

'You're making too many enemies,' he thought. 'Now it's easier for me to take advantage of the situation.'

After some moments, the said 'other' team of the Purple Mist Sect team arrived.

It was led by a disciple named Duan Mu who was said to be favored to become a direct disciple of the Sect Master once he breaks through to Sage realm. That was because he also had a Void elemental affinity.

But it wasn't only his elemental affinity which was the key to breaking the seal—the Sect Master himself left with him a so-called 'Rune Formation Plate' which when activated can help break a formation of much lesser degree by dispelling the formation by another formation.

When Duan Mu arrived at the front, he was beaming with arrogance while the rest of the sect disciples stood behind him.

He gestured his hand and took something from his spatial ring—it was the formation plate.

When the crowd saw what was in Duan Mu's hand, they couldn't tell what it was but they were certain it had something to do with cracking up the barrier. So everyone held their breaths and waited for what was about to happen.

Once the place quieted down, Duan Mu placed the Rune Formation Plate in front of the barrier's seal. From there, he chanted some words and a formation appeared on top of the formation barrier itself.

One could see how the new formation slowly but forcefully shrank its size trying to break the originally placed barrier.

To put more force on to shrinking sphere, all the Purple Mist Sect disciples encircled the entire palace. They positon around the building and gestured to exert some overwhelming Qi aura that pushed inwardly to finally break the origanal formation.

And so after few breaths, the crowd of cultivators were already in anticipation. They could already figure out that the formation was gradually but visibly dissolving. And when a very thin line of barrier remained, a loud sound broke lose.
