The gear third is so op!!

After i saw my face i was shocked but what shocked me was how muscular my body was.

[Host your body is barely covered you should get an outfit , i can give you one if you want ]

"Oh yeah that's right , give me a white and black outfit "

As i said this my body was convered in a white light and the dress appeared on me .

"humm,System since i have instant mastery i don't to train so what should i do ?"

[Host should hunt the monsters of this forest since they are not really powerful]

"Oh okay but does this world have a level or ranking system?" i asked .

[Yes this world has a ranking system which is organized in 9 rank:

F:normal human and monsters(all other races are considered as monsters since they attack humans except for the elves but they are weak )

E: Human and monsters a little more powerful than normal

D:Human and Monsters that can use certain fighting style and a little bit of magic

C:Human and monsters that can use D rank magic andtechniques and a little bit of C rank

B: same but C rank magic and techniques and a little bit of B rank

A: same but B rank magic and techniques and a little bit of A rank

S:same but A rank magic and techniques and a little bit of S rank

SS: same but S rank magic and techniques and a little bit of SS rank

SSS: same but SS rank magic and techniques and a little bit of SSS rank

Divine: Can use SSS magic and start to use divine arts .

With the condition of your body and the powers you possess you are currently at B rank but even if you can gain sword skills by killing monsters or by completing missions , the others abilities like the gomu gomu no mi are really rare and can only be obtained via Special Missions .

Equipment and artefact are divided in 6 rank from C to Divine .Same for the skills and Abilities

Chidori gatana is C rank and Gomu Gomu no mi is A rank .

Host should use the gear third the kill the monsters but you should flee if you encounter a B rank beast because you don't have enough fighting experiences to fight or you can fight it for greater rewards but huge risks ]

"Woah that was a lot understand but i think i got it "i said and the system screen appeared again .

[Ding! New D rank mission: kill the pack of Wolves at east of your position .

Reward: 10 stats points 1000 exp,1200 Sp and ittoryu:Yakodori ]

"OH yeah i forgot about that , system show me my status please "

[Name:Muramasa Shiro

Hp: 2000/2000

Level: 1 0% ( you need 1000 exp to pass a level )


Sword skills: Chidorigatana

Special Ability: Gomu Gomu no mi (Gear fourth cannot be achieved until the host obtain the armament haki)

STR:30 ( 10 is average for all stats)





Equipment:Zen'nō no ken (name of the sword )

Stats point:0

SP: (the host can use them to buy healing potions andoutfit .host can also buy a random sword skill for 1000 Sp every level) ]

"Well let's go hunting !!"i said is begin in the direction of the wolves pack.

After 20 minutes i finally found it , a pack of 20 hungry E rank wolves . I decided to test my gear third againgst them so i jumped high using my rubber power and brought my thumb to my mouth and bit it , i then began to blow very hard in it . My arm became gigantic and i transferred the air it contained in my right foot and i used it to attack the wolves while still in the air .

"Gomu Gomu no Gigant Axe "i said while i crushed the wolves with my foot . The attack was a success since most of them are dead but some are still alive so enlarged my left arm .

"Gomu Gomu no Gigant pistol" i said as the last wolves were killed by my fist .

"Damnnnnnn!!!!!The Gear third is Op!!!"i said excitedly .

[Ding! Mission Accomplished

Reward: 10 stats points,1000 exp, 1200 SP and ittoryu:Yakodori ]

[Ding! Host is now Level 2]

"System i want to put all the stats points in Intelligence and i want to buy the random sword skills with my Store Points "

[Ding! Intelligence is now 26]

[Ding! you have spend 1000 Sp for a random sword skills and have obtained : Agitowari(Uses a sword to the oppenent in two with a clear and quick strike . Can be used with ChidoriGatana to enhanced the cutting power of the strike)

"Well now i have 3 skills and one Ability i think i can attack more powerful Monsters "As i said this the system appear once again .

[Ding! New C rank mission : Kill the rank C bear at the south of your position

Reward: 1000 Sp and 5 low healing potion ( restore 1000 pv )]

"Well seems like i have to hunt some more "

[Host you should be careful , this bear is pretty smart and he has really sharp claws]

"Nah don't worry it's nothing i got it "i said confidently as i began to walk in the direction of the bear

When i arrived at my destination i saw the bear sleeping so i decided to kill him directly

After approaching discreetly in un-sheathe my sword and prepare to pierce his head but suddenly the bear uses his claws to attack me scratching my arm but i could dodge before he completely cut my arm .

'That motherfucker he pretended to be asleep, how is that even possible?!?!?' i cursed in my head while my arm was bleeding but the injury was quickly healed with my regeneration.

"Well even if your claws are sharp i'm still better" i said while i used my sword to slash at the air sending a crescent-moon like strike at him.

"Itoryu:Yakodori" i said while the projectile hit him in the back . He was bleeding heavily but he still attacked me with his claw . I used my sword to block his claw and used my other arm to attack him with my rubber power.

"Gomu Gomu no Gatling Gun"

The multiples attacks hit him in the head and in sheathed my sword before i lifted my arm to the level of shoulder and using my arm and legs to pump the blood in my body . I glared at the bear and said .

"Gear Second "

i rushed at him so quickly i left an afterimage and when i was in front of him .

"Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling" i said as i attacked him in an incredibly fast pace . The bear was completely dominated and fell to the ground after 1 minute of unending attacks . I approached him while un-sheating my sword and when i was in the front of him .

"ChidoriGatana" i said as my sword was convered by lightning and i used it to pierce his head .

[Ding! Mission Accomplished

Reward :1000 Sp and 5 low healing potion ]

"Well next time i'm gonna listen to your advice system, that's for sure "i said before returning to the area i came from . I fell asleep rather quickly because even if my body is extremely muscular (he is lean and muscular]My mind is still the one of a fat otaku , you can change your body easily but it's not the same with the mind .